“Minneapolis police released body camera video showing how two dogs approached an officer before they were shot and seriously wounded in their fenced-in backyard earlier this month.”
Training police officers about dog behavior is necessary for the officer’s safety. And I am not saying that most dogs are a threat, but it is bound to happen that they are going to shoot a dog and an owner is going to lose his mind and shoot at the officer.
The first dog not only was not a threat, it was downright submissive:

Even the second dog’s body language is not aggressive but inquiring. More than likely it heard the first dog yelping and came to find out what was going on and got shot for its trouble.
Now, they can say that they never owned dogs so they do not understand the behavior of the animals, but a big department surely has K9 units and I am sure most if not all officers have seen Fido pissed off and in attack mode which is a lot different from the attitude we saw in the video. If an officer cannot distinguish a dog happy and prancing from mad and attacking, they have no business in the streets because in all probability they will also confuse human body language and end up shooting the wrong person. Minneapolis PD sort of proven the point.
Pretty sure “I was afraid of the dog” is being used as a cover story by sadists who just want an excuse to kill a beloved family pet for no reason.
Any context on why they were there to begin with?
Indeed. Why was he scaling a fence into a back yard in the first place? Absent some sort of hot pursuit (which didn’t seem to be the case), or a life threatening emergency, he has no authority to be there absent a warrant.
This happened a week before Justine Damand was shot. People were already ticked off at the local police after the Philandro Castile shooting, and another two years ago, when the Minneapolis Police killed someone assaulting two EMTs. In the cities, BLM is probably 3/4 white liberals and SJW.
About the doggies. An alarm went off at this family’s home, and the police responded to the alarm. An Officer jumped the backyard fence to check the back of the house. He radioed that the back doorway was open. The dogs came out of the house through the open back door. The homeowner’s roommate apparently set off the alarm. As she was talking to an officer at the front door, bang, bang in the backyard.
Justine Damand. It is looking more like Noor panicked and shot Justine. Still no statement or interview by Noor with the BCA Investigation. The London Daily Mail had an interview with a neighbor. The neighbor said Noor was jumpy, and did not like women. He Heard it was a police shooting, and was surprised, then heard it was Noor, and said, “I am not surprised.” The new message seems to be, “Don’t blame all Somalis for the Somali Police Officer’s screwup.”
Among the things that piss me off about the police shooting dogs is the dismissive, “it’s only property” line.
But if someone snuffs a K9 dog, that’s murdering an officer.
Dogs are people if sanctified by badges?
I’m sick of these double standards which make the normal citizen second class as compared to law-enforcement.
I am Pro Cop, but I have to agree with this statement.
My wife and I spend hundred of hours and thousands of dollars working with a local animal rescue. One of our foster dogs, Buddy, looks a lot like the dog in the video. As I scrolled past here, it made me sick to my stomach to see this. One of my biggest fears is something like this happening. My wife worries about someone breaking in and hurting our dogs while trying to burglarize us. I worry more about the police shooting our dogs when they respond to a call.
I have witnessed police in the past…..being confronted with a dog who neither attacks or retreats, but stands still evaluating the situation cautiously….and the officer opts to deploy his sidearm. To which the dog, responds defensively to the fast sudden movements, which in turn causes the officer to ‘justify putting the dog down due to aggression’.
Police need to be taught that homeowner’s dogs are trained for protection, and to be aggressive with credible threats—that’s the whole idea of getting a dog…for most dog owners…protection. And the officer is to a dog…a credible threat.
There must be a remedy for this problem which will address the potential crisis. For instance if a K-9 unit deploys their dog, when there is a dog on location, who is causing the conflict…albeit a negligent altercation initiated by police?
I have…and will always take the side of police first 99.9% of the time, but this case needs a lot of work and police departments MUST take the lead in order to honor the public they are trained to serve and protect.
About 30 miles from me is Buffalo, the police there shoot and kill more dogs than in NYC. Buffalo is a dying city with about 260,000 people and 500 police, NYC has 8,000,000 people and 30,000 police. And the BPD shoots more dogs than the NYPD, apparently. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that “city” rhymes with “shitty”.