Number of criminal shootings double, authorities can’t pin down a reason…or at least won’t fess up to it.

You have been for over a year the political petri dish of every Liberal experiment known to man and somehow, all of them have failed miserably (just like anywhere else in the past).

And if I am not mistaken, the same town supported and re-elected the same politicos who brought this misery and failure, and you are still surprised?

Elections have consequences and in Portland’s case, it is stacking bodied.


Hat Tip BenH

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Portland: They are shocked, shocked to find violence in such a progressive town.”
  1. Just can’t figure this out, it’s like an act of God or something. Maybe it’s climate change or racism. Note, he never mentioned “Defund the Police.” He a good minion and parrots his betters’ BS.

  2. When politics becomes your religion, you cannot question the effects of the dogma.

    Human sacrifice didn’t bring the rains? Just sacrifice more humans.

  3. Seattle has double the murders so far this year. Of course that’s being ‘fact checked’ because it’s 2 below official ‘double’.

    Chicago is up like 75% and is on track to be the highest in over 20 years. They just cut $34m from the police budget.

    Minneapolis is something like a 50% increase at least.

    Hope there’s a lot of social workers ready to jump into the fray to fix everything.

  4. Now I ain’t the smartest man, but there seems to be a pretty clear cause and effect situation going on round here.

    I can’t wait until the anti gunners use the statistics of their fallen comrades as evidence of a need for more gun control (and the lesser discussed need for additional police to confiscate said guns).

    Mark my words, old PantyTwist Okonanny over there at CeaseFire Oregon is already drafting the whitepaper on it…

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