By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Portland Truck Driver kicker Marquise Love in Jail”
  1. Near here, in MA, there is some club whose purpose it is to bail out lowlifes. Recently they got in the news for bailing out a serial rapist, who promptly did it again. No comment from the club.
    Does OR have something like that?

      1. “Days of Rage,” by Bryan Burrough, pages 142-143.

        Without the NLG, there would have been no Weatherman Underground.
        Without the NLG, would there be a BLM?

        1. A good question. Status 451 reviewed Days of Rage and commented on how the radleft enjoys the benefit of both shock troopers (BLM) and institutions (Portland mayor, NLG, etc).

    1. Steve Carell and various other celebrities were bailing out ANTIFA rioters when this all started. I think it’s more of a national thing, with communist scum taking care of their own.

  2. I looked up Assault II in Oregon statutes, and it pretty well describes what he did; in other words he seems to have been properly charged, and not under- or over-charged. But a Class B felony only carries 10 years, which seems kinda light, and a Class C (the other charges) are 5 years apiece. Usually a person who is convicted of two or more crimes serves the sentences concurrently, not consecutively, so realistically he’s looking at a maximum of 10 years. Doesn’t seem enough.

    1. IIRC, Assault II is also a “Measure 11” crime.

      A number of years ago, Oregon passed Measure 11 by referendum, establishing mandatory minimum sentences for certain violent felonies. If he’s found guilty, the judge is required by law to sentence him to jail for a certain number of years (7, I think?); the sentence can be longer, up to the limit in the statute, but cannot be less than Measure 11 dictates.

      Expect the DA to get around this by pleading down to lesser (read: non-Measure-11) charges to avoid invoking the mandatory minimums.

      Also expect that if anyone were to defend themselves from the mob with a firearm, the DA will push for maximum charges, invoke Measure 11 if he can, and get as many felony convictions as possible so they can never legally own a firearm again.

    2. If he get’s any time at all, I’ll be surprised. I wouldn’t be surprised if he get’s time served and a couple of years unsupervised probation.

  3. I doubt he will even have to pay bail. And he will never have to work as the mob Will provide him hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just like they did to the asshole that shot that truck with the AK 47 and died. This biological male because he’s not a man will be used as a symbol.

    2020 where the criminals go free and you get arrested and imprisoned for defending yourself.

    Again I say in these cities and neighboring suburbs when they eventually go to far and start getting shot and killed in very large numbers no one is going to be particularly sympathetic. Except the media and the Democrats. There are plenty of people including myself that look at this and realize the only way to stop the riots is to shoot them. And due to the policies the Democrats them selves passed there will be no police to stop it. Citizens are going to have to eventually fill the gap in the cities. They are not going to be as restrained as the police.

    I suspect the vast majority of conservatives and gun owning America when the rioters start getting shot at will have absolutely no sympathy and react by basically saying “it’s about time“.

    Of course where I live these riots aren’t happening. Not even in my state. Is it because we have so many gun owners and our governor is a Republican?

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