By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Potential DGU”
  1. The other day I was handed a bottle of soda by my lady. I went to open it and thought “That was way to easy.” I wondered if the tamper ring had been broken before I twisted. I had no way of knowing.

    I then evaluated where it came from, a local pizza shop where the soda is kept in a fridge behind the counter, before I actually drank it.

    This sort of behavior might not be of the sort that would justify a DGU, and I’m unsure if the cops in most locations would even bother to respond.

    It is sickening.

    1. No different from threatening someone with a syringe containing a red fluid while claiming it’s HIV-infested blood. This is assault with a deadly weapon, so yes, the perp needs to be arrested, convicted, and jailed for a substantial amount of time. And in my book, DGU is indeed proper here.

        1. Or to innocent bystanders? I suppose not. The damage has already been done; any inventory that can’t be confirmed to be safe will have to be discarded.
          Assault and threat of grave bodily harm, though, that’s clearly there, and any police force that refuses to arrest and jail this evil criminal should be shut down.

        2. I would not be comfortable even confronting somebody like that. That whole deescalate thing.

          My lady has had enough with twat watts being twats. Her answer was to set her phone to police siren sounds and then follow him around.

          Not a good choice as people like this twat have been known to turn violent when confronted.

      1. Yes, legally shooting that you would be murder.

        But being a snarky asshole on the internet saying that I’d vote not to convict the guy that did shoot him, that’s withing my rights.

  2. We did our bi-weekly groceries shopping yesterday. My lady went in. It would have offended any elite in NYC or Hollywood.

    She was wearing quick off pants, a cotton shirt and over that a M65 jacket that was zipped and buttoned to the top. This was so that the zipper would not be exposed while she shopped. Her hair was wrapped in kerchief to cover her ears. She was wearing a Garson respirator style mask with the P100 filters on it. And of course her one orange glove.

    She was standing in line and the group behind her was making nasty comments about her and her “paranoia”.

    Regardless of J.Kb’s statements about how much good a P100 does it helps in a bunch of different ways for us:
    * It kept people a good 6 foot away from her.
    * It got the store people to say “thank you” vs the group doing nothing behind her
    * It kept her from touching her face at all.
    * Her sinuses cleared from the allergy attack she’s been having since Friday.
    * It will reduce the initial virus load she will get if she is exposed by air.
    * It made her feel better.

    Stuff is coming back on the shelves. TP and cleaning supplies are still lacking, but there was more meat available. Everything is a bit more expensive.

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