And deranged.

Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, pictured, is an infantryman and a Military Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

This is too much. We have Tea Party political activists shooting cops from behind, in the head, then covering their dead bodies with the Tea Party “Gadsden” flag and shouting, “The Revolution begins now!”

Wimps need guns. Come and get me…..

….Oh, and if you try to go lethal, to convince me that your rhetoric is more intellectually compelling than my own written words, I am going to be giggling at the Las Vegas odds on you, with your guns, and me.

So there is that. Bring it on, little boys.

via That’s It. I Am Coming Home. – Esquire.

Those are the words of Lt. Col. Robert Bateman. It is not the first time that this nutjob has written an incensed article and without a lot of sense making, but he is stepping up a kosh past fighting words to outright libel and he is in  urgent need of less anti-depressant drugs and a whole lot more straight jacket.

Say, that gun-restraining-order bill floating out there? Can we make a trial run and have Lt. Col. Robert Bateman as our first test case? He surely sounds like… I don’t know… a couple of meth-heads dressed as Batman characters or perhaps he sounds like a misogynistic 20 year Hollywood virgin.  He shouldn’t be around guns.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Proving once more that Gun Control Activists are Violent.”
  1. Is he talking about the two psychos who tried to attack the Wal-Mart after murdering two cops and got shut down by someone carrying a concealed weapon(who tragically died a hero’s death)?

    Didn’t they turn out to be a couple of socialists?

    1. Pot-smoking socialists kicked out of liberty-loving groups because they acted more like agent provocateurs than real people.

      Which is a pattern for the lefts “examples” of “right wing violence”.

  2. That seems to be becoming popular among irrelevant personalities to demand gun owners become violent in order to prove their meme that gun owners are violent.

    I would love to talk to members of his former unit to find out what his reputation was.

  3. The less we talk about LV the better. They used a Gadsden flag for pete’s sake.

    Hey, clockworkgremlin, you know Alex Jones? LOL.

  4. Hmmm. I figured he was coming home because his tour of duty in the UK was over. . . I mean, he IS a serving officer (who, unaccountably, is using his official position to write political screeds publicly, yet isn’t being brought up on charges. . . )

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