CHARLOTTE COUNTY — The Punta Gorda police officer involved in the fatal shooting of a retired librarian during an August community police academy has been arrested and will face manslaughter charges, state prosecutors said.

Lee Coel, 28, was arrested earlier today, accused of felony manslaughter.

Punta Gorda Police Chief Tom Lewis was charged with culpable negligence, a misdemeanor, but not arrested. Lewis received a summons to appear in court.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents completed their criminal investigation into the Aug. 9 shooting and submitted their report to prosecutors in the 20th Judicial Circuit, who found probable cause to charge both Coel and Lewis.

Source: Punta Gorda officer and chief charged in death of librarian

I hope you remember this Force on Force foul up that was actually a dog & pony show/junket for some selected locals. I am amazed that the Chief not only has not resigned but appears to plan to fight any attempt to be removed because he plans to change things around.

But from I have been reading, the shooting was just one on a long list of fuck ups in that department. A deeper “cleaning” might be needed. And still a woman died because people thought themselves above basic safety procedures.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Punta Gorda officer and chief charged in death of librarian.”
  1. “… was actually a dog & pony show/junket for some selected locals.”

    “But from I have been reading, the shooting was just one on a long list of fuck ups in that department. A deeper “cleaning” might be needed. And still a woman died because people thought themselves above basic safety procedures.”

    The show was likely planned as “good publicity” amongst the people with the ears of the local politicians. If they haven’t fired that Police Chief yet, there was no need for the dog and pony show. The pols really don’t care. They might when their city insurance rates skyrocket.

  2. I still don’t understand what the point of the force on force demonstration was; last time I was in Punta Gorda there was only a win Dixie and oranges for terrorists/active shooters/protestors/zombies/snow birds to take over.

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