If they are upset about the Wisconsin government disenfranchising people by demanding they produce photo ID to vote, Does that mean that they are also upset that the Federal Government demands photo ID (among many other constitutional infringing demands) when a citizen wants to buy a gun?
Just asking….
Should I grab a chair and wait comfortably for a response?
You may want to order lunch as well, you’ll probably be waiting for a long time.
I’ll order a catering truck. We’ll all be waiting for awhile..
oh! How about those larger Subway sandwiches?
Best make sure it’s a comfy chair. Like Christopher said, I expect you’ll be in it for a while, listening to all those chirping crickets.
After the Heller decision, I sent a letter to the ACLU asking their take on it. I was told they did not recognize the Heller decision, and that the right to bear arms was neither an individual right or a civil liberty.
Does that answer your question?
ASCLU: American Selective Civil Liberties Union?
They simply dodge the question by claiming its a collective right, while all the other amendments are for individuals.
Ahhh the ACLU…and people object to my vociferous approval of the phrase ‘the first thing we do is kill all the lawyers’?
I, for one, am happy that the Founding Fathers had the foresight to state explicitly that coming into my store and purchasing a firearm is protected by the 2nd Amendment. I also think that it’s written that people purchasing firearms should get a parking place close to the front door.
Those Founding Fathers thought of everything.
[Between me and you fellas, we’re all just makin’ it up as we go, aren’t we? The funny thing is, people are buyin’ it!]
Ahhhh! a local troll.
Can’t you literally just almost hear him screaming “I’m so IRONIC!! Can’t you see just how hip and IRONIC!! I am!!! Look, I’m even holding a PBR while wearing a trucker hat! IRONICALLY and in IRONIC fashon!! Isn’t that so hip and IRONIC!! ”
Nope, dude is just another indistinguishable, cookie cutter hipster clone.
They like fast and loose ID laws because it benefits their side. If the Right was using massive voter fraud to inflate their influence, well, different story.