The Journalist, Columnist & Editors are having a collective festival demanding the elimination of Stand Your Ground after the Zimmerman/Martin incident. My question is this, If we are going to”re-examine” a law because somebody allegedly did wrong with it, does that mean that we should “re-examine” the First Amendment and laws protecting it? Because Lord Knows the amount of lies and fabrications coming out of the media in the Martin case is downright amazing.
If you have not seen this movie, please do so. It will be a learning experience.
Someone does bad because of a law? Hmmm well that includes all the screw ups and hypocrisy that occur everyday since the 60’s so lets bring back segregation. Hell for that matter lets repeal the 13th amendment and bring back slavery! Awesome. Yep you see how fucked up slippery that slope is?
Sigh…fucking retards.
Have you ever read Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe? The Martin/Zimmerman case is like a movie based on the book. If you find a copy to read I’m sure you wouldn’t be disappointed.
I watched the movie when it come out. I guess it is time to read the book.