By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Quite fitting after what happen in New York today.”
  1. The new cast I saw featured Bloomber stating that “some” of the wounded were shot by the police on the scene? Way to go boys,,,,,,if this is true.

    1. News fluctuate from some to all nine. Whichever the number, the fact that Rule 4 was so blatantly disregarded says a lot for the quality of training. To me is a reflection that NYDP firearms training might be decided by politicians instead of gun people.

      1. also probably a reflection that most PD’s don’t train half as much as they SHOULD. I know of you and a couple other gun bloggers and their friends that I read? Any ONE of you goes through more ammunition in a MONTH than entire PD’S go through in a YEAR.

        1. I think it was in a ProArms podcast that I heard it. IIRC PD qualifiers are semi annually and only use 120 rounds. Basically anybody that hits the range once a month will have much better practice that your regular officer.
          It is understandable why many cops are starting to attend regular IDPA or USPSA matches. Life Saving skills MUST be practiced and shooting is one of them.

  2. In a concrete jungle like NYC, I’m not sure Rule 4 is applied in the same manner. News reports are now saying that all the wounded were the victims of ricochets. In the split second that the officers had to draw their weapons and respond to the threat, I believe it’s fortunate that no one else wound up dead, including the officers.

    Monday morning quarterbacking is easy stuff, especially when it’s done from behind a keyboard. The actions of these officers are going to be analyzed every which way in the following weeks. As they should be. But the opinions that are going to be the most valuable belong to those who have done the job and been there before.

    1. most of us won’t be monday morning the officers…except as far as what we believe a lack of sufficient training/ practice…which isn’t entirely the officers fault…more the PD’s Chiefs and the pols

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