By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Quote of the Day.”
  1. America, We the People, live your life just as you were when Trump was in office. The dems will start eating thier own soon. Live like this IS STILL America. Living well is the best revenge of all

    1. One can try. However now that Trump was rigged ourt of office the democrats have the other thing to keep them unified: there sheer hatred of all Trump supporters and the desire to use there post purge military to go door to door to round up and exterminate every single United States citizen along with by complete and total ban of all
      Private gun ownership and to also use there post purge military to go door to door to confiscate all guns by for e and exterminate every single United States citizen in a home with a gun followed by the ultimate purge of not just the mandated extermination of every single Trump voter and gun owner but every single United States citizen that oppose that along
      With the mandated extermination of every single current and former member of the armed forces that is not fully on board with the democrats ultimate goal of the complete and mandate extermination of every single United States citizen that oppose the democrats in any way shape or form including all democrats (all three of them) that oppose the extermination of almost the entire United stated population.

      The democrats are right now unified in there goal to keep the power they have forever and to kill every single person in the United States that opposes them. And if the population at large opppses there mandated extermination of all Trump voters, gun owners, registered Republicans, conservatives that will definitely unify the democrats in the ultimate goal of the compete and total extermination of the entire United States population that oppose or resist them up and preferably resulting in the extermination of all human life in the United States minus themselves and illegals. That way the democrats can bring in the only people they care about except themselves: people from other countries to be used as what amounts to slave labor.

  2. And Kevin Sorbo gets blacklisted throughout Hollywood in 4… 3… 2….

    As if he wasn’t already, having starred in and/or directed and/or produced several pro-Christian movies. The ones with all sorts of wrongthink messages.

    And to respond to the quote: Like everything else the Left wants to ban, it’s only not OK when we do it; it’s perfectly fine when they do it.

  3. As an aside, every National Guard soldier was screened for their background and history before they were authorized to carry a fully-automatic gun within sight of President-Elect Gropy Joe.

    Based on that, I expect a “Background checks are good enough; no need to ban any guns” message from this administration.

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