I’ve been doing some work around the house and even playing with cement so I haven’t been paying attention much to the gun wires. You get some random thoughts that crossed my mind. You have been warned.
1) I admire the craftsmanship and the originality, but you know some schmuck is gonna try and open it.
2) To go with my new nonchalant shooting and celebrate that I am not dealing with club responsibilities, I want to make this design my official shooting logo. Screw it, let others pick up the crap.
3) I thought that the Bronies thing was a joke with a long expiration date like Obama’s canine culinary preferences. Apparently I was mistaken.
4) More books incoming: “Trail Safe” by Michael Bane. “The Glorious Cause” by Robert Middlekauff and “What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815–1848” by Daniel Walker Howe. I owe you a couple of reviews but just go ahead and buy Horse Soldiers, amazing book about amazing people.
Q: What’s the similarity between a drummer and a philosopher?
A: They both perceive time as an abstract concept.
6) I just saw three vultures circling nearby. I am getting the shotgun just in case.
7) Contrary to what some experts say, I do believe in a warning shoot in the air….. of the lungs. Critters get the warning pretty fast then.
8) Er…. I forgot…. never mind. See you guys later.
Stay away from Bornies. You have been warned. It is the new rot overtaking my generation and others.
That said, the show is surprisingly well written and animation quality is nice and it often blurrs/destroys the line betwene kid’s show and show for adults/teens. The fans are…yeah, you’ve been warned.
You’re better off watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and it’s sequel. And not the M Night Shymalan film, which is a disgrace to the source material.
Seriously, Miguel, if you plan to continue bashing my fandom, just let me know so I can stop reading your blog now.
You have to understand that those of us that have been bitchslapped by reality have a tough time digesting adults playing with a concept 6 year old girls grow out of by the time they are 6.5
Now, you can read my blog or not read it. That is your choice and God Bless.
Fair enough. Just keep in mind that knee-jerk hatred of that with which you disagree is the hallmark of the gun-grabbers and the anti-rights activists. Hatred of my fandom (ponies) is just as bad as hatred of your fandom (collecting & shooting guns).
Aren’t we supposed to be better than that? Aren’t gunnies supposed to be INclusive rather than EXclusive?
Food for thought.
knee-jerk hatred? Nope. Amazement at the silliness? yes. There is a difference.
Is the problem more adults enjoying a show aimed for children or the gender of the children it’s aimed at?
Adults liking merch driven children’s shows is not recent: Transformers, GI Joe, Starwars.
And as Jusuchin says it is well animated and written especially for what it is.
Hell, get to brass tacks and look at the values the show is promoting: Friendship, Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, hardwork, entrepreneurship…
Yeah, of the mane characters 1 is a researcher, 1 is a farmer, 1 works in weather and the remaining half are small buisness owners.
There’s a lot worse shows to be a fan of.
Are there those in the fandom that go too far and are using it as a crutch for some fantasy world? Probably. Again that ain’t new ground for fandoms.
-insert every new ‘reality’ show-
TV has surprised me past few years. I don’t mind the new My Little Pony. I do mind the overzealous fans.
Then again, I’m a Japanese Anime nerd, and even then, in a very small (comparatively) subset that loves massive space operas and political thrillers than “KAWAII DESU-NE” crap.
Glad to see I’m not the only one. Like I said, the show is nice. Watch out for the fandom. They’re willing to try to convert you to ‘educate’ you on how awesome the show is. Although in my opinion I’ve seen better. At which point I get hated or branded as a fool for not having seen the light.
I am a huge fan of pre WW2 toons, specially Popeye before he went all dressed in Navy whites. One of my favorite characters from that toon is Eugene The Jeep. Probably the best was when Popeye has to go to the Underworld and fight the Goons and all the weird creatures as he chased Eugene. It is absolutely mental & freaky.
But I stop there. I understand that it is a bunch of photographed ink flapping at 24 frames per second.
Maybe I am old because I also did not understand the concept behind D&D and the rest of the stuff.
To grounded on reality I guess.
Well, it’s probably not the grounded on reality but maybe how willing are you to stretching that grounding. If you were too grounded on reality I dunno if you would enjoy MHI books.
That said, the whole Pony thing is…well I’m neutral. Show is nice. Fandom sucks. I can say the same about a lot of things. Book is good, fandom is bad. Team is -insert-. Fans are bad. Etc…
Also. I keep seeing it on Instapundit and MH Alpha touched on it and I’m sure there was probably a book or something about it. But what are “Deep Ones”. I kinda understand they’re fish-people who lay eggs in you or something.
I didn’t say i don’t enjoy fiction but I don’t take umbrage and wave the HATE card if somebody dislikes MHI. Another gun blogger contacted me and told me he made a fun entry about this Pony stuff and he got a bunch of insults in return plus a death threat. Now that is taking shit a bit too far even though we can figure out that might not happen.
Miguel, I think you should have stuck to a topic you understood.
You are definitely coming across as someone who hates something they don’t understand. Bigotry springs from such.
I know, you’re not a bigot. You’ll say so. But bigots never think they are; yet somehow they’re always easy to spot.
OK, seriously. When did finding something silly and stupid automatically is an indicator of “hate”?’
I don’t think you know what that word means – Inigo Montoya
So let’s review what HATE really means:
HATE: a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy : loathing

So please, do not misuse the word hate with such ease. For some of us it has a very specific and tortuous meaning.
I do believe in a warning shoot in the air….. of the lungs As somebody once said, “I think a sucking chest wound is a pretty good warning”
One version I heard was “A sucking chest wound is God’s saying you shouldn’t be there in the first place.”
Say what you will about the little ponies (I personally like them…in someone else’s house. Then again, I have a couple of Spawn figures stashed, but never read/watched the comics. Just like em for the artistic effort and care that obviously went into them), but dude….#7 is pure poetry! That, my friend, should go on a couple thousand Tshirts!
Quoted and linked on my blog!
We need somebody in the T-Shirt business that can come up with a good design. I can’t draw a stick man without being accused of abuse.
PS: If somebody else accuses me of Pony Hater, I will retain counsel and they are not gonna like it. 😉
Bleh, don’t get too worked up. Different crap for different folks. I get into massive arguments with other Anime otaku over a particular series and when the subject of My Little Pony comes up, I just say the show is good. The Fandom sucks.
Jusuchin: You mean you don’t like “Lucky Star” or “Azumanga Diaoh”? HERETIC! BURN HIM!!!
Just kidding!
Lucky ☆ Star and Azumanga Daioh is alright. I have an issue with K-On. I mark K-On as the “E.T.” of the “Moé” bubble of the 07-09 seasons. Although second Haruhi series with eight full episodes of Endless Eight as the thing that truly turned me off contemporary Anime and me looking back to the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s in just rediscovering series I’ve missed when growing up.
Ditto on the too much Moe’ thing. The only upcoming thing I’m really excited about are the Evangelion movies. Sadly, my trip to Japan will be well before the premier of “Q”.
In addition, when someone expresses an negitive opionin regarding something they don’t watch/read/listen to, the best response is not to go into a super negitive rant regarding the hateful ignorance of the person who doesn’t watch/read/listen to- usually followed by a long series of post all saying “well have you watched THIS ONE?. Because I know that when I am forced to watch/read/listen to something, I have such an [sarc] initally positive opinion and open mind regarding it [/sarc].
A lot of people seem to think that the new MLP series is the same as the old ones… I have absolutely zero interest in the old series.
The new series, as others have already stated, is comparatively well-written, funny, and much, MUCH better than the average reality show or other television drivel. I don’t frantically download every episode when it’s out, but I do enjoy it now and then.