This is making the rounds in the Tweeterverse lately:
Unless you are the reincarnation of Bruce Lee or have been infused with 2 CCs of Chuck Norris’ blood, this has to be one of the dumbest statements ever made and proof positive the person that utters such load of bovine excrement has never been in front of a life and death situation.
Let me see if I can make this clear to those who are poetically intoxicated by notions of Hollywood Chivalry: Self-Defense is not a Competition Sport. If your life is at stake right there and then, you use whatever tools are necessary to WIN. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck as one wise werewolf once said.
To think otherwise demonstrates a total lack of intelligence.
Idiots, my GF is not a “Real Man” which I’m glad of, and I’d have to say the Sikh was a “Real Man” who could have had a real good use of a handgun, and may have worked better than a dagger.
Ahh…self defeating idiots. Oh I can think of any number of ways to kill any given person with any given number of objects in any room. I’ve got a nasty, sadistic and highly violent mind.. That being said…I’d rather have the gun handy.
Mercifully, I’m not a real man — and have no ambition whatsoever to become one. 😉
Also mercifully, I am a member of a tool-using species, and I have used my intelligence to select the most useful and realistic tool for the survival task.
The gun doesn’t make the man. The firearm is one of the only defensive tools that will level the playing field between a 120 LB female, and a 275 LB drug crazed mugger though. I seem to sense that the “anti crowd” feels those of us who do carry are itching for a fight,and that isn’t true,,,at least in my case.
My intelligence says I’d be wise to have a gun.
Which is why the Navy SEALs use nothing but Tiger Crane style kung fu.
Fair notice I’m stealing that line as soon as I clean up the coffee I snorted out my nose.
In case you do not know his work, the line comes from one of Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter International books. I cannot stop praising his work: Gunnies killing monsters for fun & profit? It does not get any better than that.
And apologies for the coffee thing 🙂
They use their intelligence? Am I supposed to give the criminal a paradox and hope he shuts down like an errant AI program?
So far, my intelligence is telling me that I am woefully unfit to even wrestle anyone to death, let alone some people on my facebook list if they become hostile to me, and that a firearm used defensively is lawful here in the state of Virginia. What does that make me?
I have lots of college education and also martial arts training, but I will wisely choose my 12 gauge for that “bump in the night” home invasion encounter. To not do so is foolish.
I do not wish ill on them, but I wonder if their warped view of self-defense would evolve after an encounter with a criminal. They really do live in gum-drop la-la-land populated by unicorns who fart rainbows. Denial will get you killed.
If they hear something going “bump” in the night, they’ll get up and grab the trusty 7 Iron, go downstairs and ask “Is anybody there?” because we all know 7 Iron always beats .38 Special.
I do not tweet but I have forwarded a screenshot of the tweet to a friend that is an instructor at the Special Forces Qualification Course at Fort Bragg. I wonder if the clearly effette “men” over there will take exception.
Miguel, Use 2 iron, it is safer, cause no one can hit a 2 iron
So, would a driver be like a shotgun, a 5-iron be a 9 mm Glock, and a pitching wedge be a 0.380 in this analogy? Makes me wonder. Hmm…
Watch out though, you’re going to get our golf clubs registered, and then outlawed and confiscated, if they could be used as weapons.
Remember it’s the weapon that kills and not the person wielding it [end sarcasm].
Those men that shielded their loved ones in that dark movie theater with their bodies were real men. They’re also real dead. I am at that age where the muscles and joints are no longer what they were before. And that’s not saying much , as I was never the physically active type. So in a confrontation where I will possibly face 1 or more assailants who will more than likely have either physical strength or weapons that will outmatch my physical abilities, you can bet I’ll be packing something sufficient to push the odds in my favor. Fair fights are for romantic idiots.
[…] that never happens. And quote of the day: If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics […]
Yeah, I have some bad sciatic issues. I can’t kick them, can’t take a fall, most days I can’t outrun a crawling infant. Thinkin a little tool might help me out. Hey, look! I happen to have a .45 right here! How convenient!
Man, it’s a good thing criminals always make sure to prey on the strongest and best trained in the world, otherwise the older, the injured, the small and the sick would be in trouble.
Oh wait.
I’ve always believed that “real men” and “real women”, too, accept responsibility for themselves and their actions, and for the protection of those who need it. I also know, from personal experience, that Men, real or otherwise, die real quick if outgunned.
Real Men know how to ‘Ride, Shoot strait, and Speak the truth’.
And that is why we have so many fat liars in the government now who never served in the military. They can nether ride, shoot strait, or speak truthfully.
when you are smart it only makes a monkey mad