I saw this and had to check that it is not a parody.  It’s not.


Miguel just did a post on “real men use fists.”  This is something we’ve seen before, the idea that guns are for cowards and brave men take things outside.  Only people with no understanding of violence would argue that there is something honorable about giving someone (possibly fatal) brain damage with their fists.

This is even dumber.  What is the first rule of a knife fight?  Bring a gun.  Why?  Because everyone gets cut in a knife fight.  Spears are just long handled knives.  People fought with mele weapons because that’s all they had.  As ranged weapons got better and better, the tactics of war showed that the further you were from your enemy while still being able to hit them the better off you are.

Before the gun the English long bow was the king of battle.

Then the gun.

Then artillery.

Now the primary casualty producing weapons of war are air strikes and drone strikes.

Why use a spear when you can kill your enemy from 60,000 feet or, better yet, from an office in California via remote control?

Hell, the spear was invented because it had longer reach than the club.

But why let the entire history of the technological development of war stand in the way of a making a racist statement to denigrate people.

Also, I’m going to ignore how the Chinese invented black powder and the fire lance, because nobody ran with that technology like the Europeans did.  Remember the advice given to Hiram Maxim that was the muse for the invention of the machine gun “If you want to make a pile of money, invent something that will enable these Europeans to cut each other’s throats with greater facility.”

This Tweet was a delicious bouillabaisse of ignorance and racism.  But what else can you expect from someone who tried to write about history and used a screen grab from Black Panther.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Real men use spears, idiocy plus racism”
  1. The hubris & utter stupidity of these self-named “woke” people never ceases to amaze (in a bad way).


  2. The goal of combat is not to reach parity with one’s opponent (unless one has a tactical/strategic reason to do so).

    FWIW, I haven’t seen the movie, but someone who has said that in the story, those spears were more powerful than guns, which would completely negate her theory.

  3. Must have never read Shakespeare in school, to wit: “…the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune…”

    Also: spears invented 200,000 years ago were both thrusting and throwing weapons.

  4. Long distance weapons, before guns, and most not invented by “whites” (whatever that means): slings, atlatl, blowgun, javelin, bow & arrow, crossbow, rocket, trebuchet, catapult, boomerang … the list goes on and on.
    I guess the original quote demonstrates what we knew all along, which is that racists are *stupid*.

  5. The Mongols used bows and arrows to conquer a good part of the world.
    That’s not exactly “fighting using arm to arm combat or close contact spears.”
    But they’re not white, so that’s okay or something.

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