The Boss just got back from some grocery shopping at Wally World; just restocking a couple of perishable items.
She checked for the hell of it:  No paper products, period.
And if there is any panic, it is the politest panic she has ever seen. Not only people were being nice, but helpful if they saw you looking for something or seem lost. 
Yesterday I mentioned the price of gas being cheap down here, but I did forget to mention that even there were lines, (3 cars ahead of me) nobody was impatient, no horns blowing  or hollering.

What I did see was people using disposable gloves to handle the pump and then disposing of them before going back inside the car. I should have thought of that, but I did have my disinfectant wipes and only used one hand to touch the pump. And yes, I wiped TWICE the hand before getting back in. It looked like a pre-op scene from the old ER TV show.

So, the message is: Let’s keep it civil if you please. But do not lower your guard.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Report from the Grocery Shopping wars.”
  1. As of Wednesday here in NE Atlanta Sam’ Club had plenty of giant packages of TP and towels. Still had big food stocks, too. They let in 25 people at a time, everyone was polite. At the gas station prices were likewise low, no waiting, honking or other rudeness.
    Maybe Robert Heinlein was right….

  2. Visited the local Costco last Thursday evening. I have never seen it that quiet. Few items were out of stock, but pretty much everything was there. People were polite for the most part. Same with the local grocery. Again, some items out of stock, but the produce section was at its normal level, plenty of eggs, cheese, milk… No rice, limited pasta but I am not going to starve any time soon.

    However, I fully expect my idiot leftist mayor (sorry to repeat myself) will next declare grocery stores must close as well. Anything to exert control over the masses.

  3. Right now, we are suffering a local shortage of TP and some other things, mostly cleaning supplies. For what it’s worth, our buying patterns changed to the extent that we got 4 bottles of pocket size hand sanitizer, one for each person, and 3 pumps, one for my lady’s car (You don’t want her going into her purse for anything.), one for the house and one spare.

    TP is bothering me. We buy a certain number of rolls per month. We’ve not increased that, but our stock is depleting. So we are shortly going to have to go on limited rations.

    One thing that is interesting to me, is that the local store people are keeping tack of who has what supplies. When we asked at the local Dollar General, they directed us to a local hardware store. The hardware store knew the DG was getting a shipment in later that day and was able to report that two other stores were out.

    There is no pushing, the worse we’ve had is a person from out of state getting upset with us for buying food for 6 people. BECAUSE we have six people living at the house.

    We live near the border of one of those Democratic hell holes. The people from that state come over the line because their state is screwed up and then get all uppity and nasty when the locals want to buy the stuff they always buy at their own local stores.

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