Because nothing helps equality more than White Liberals telling a working black woman how to behave for Social Justice.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Righteous Antifa/BLM v. rebellious Aunt Jemima”
  1. If she’d been white, she would have been beaten and her car torched for demanding the right of way. This is why truck drivers are being told by their employers do not stop for anything…..try not to run them over but DO NOT STOP!

  2. ANTIFA will adapt. The next black woman that tries this will be beaten at the very least, and doxed. Her vehicle will be destroyed and her family gone after. Probably by “BLM” blacks. They may even develop an all black “Flying Squad” for the purpose.

  3. See that food cart with the Italian flag? I recognized it instantly.

    This isn’t just my neighborhood. This is directly in from of my house.

  4. The black dude understood something that those Oh So Woke White Privileged Children didn’t- they had found her Last Nerve, and there would have been some hell to pay if they didn’t get out of her way.

    1. I think it’s more likely that he just realized how dumb he looks, standing with a bunch of white thugs and punks in the street, harassing and angering a black woman “in the name of social justice”. Suddenly he was embarrassed and did the right thing. It’s possible that he also realized how bad this would look if it went viral, not helping their cause at all, especially once she started saying that someone called her “nigger”. The way viral videos work, it wouldn’t matter whether anyone had said anything of the kind, all that matters if that you have a mob of white punks harassing and detaining a very Black woman who is clearly agitated and upset and accusing them of calling her racist slurs. Probably she is just well-trained by now and knows the ONE secret weapon that will make ANY white people do what you want is to start accusing them of calling you racist names. Smart on her part, and I don’t really blame her in this situation.
      It goes without saying that they never would have let a white woman, let alone a white man, pass, and she was very much shown preferential treatment because of her race, even though it took them a minute to decide the wisest course of action. In the end they can pretend that :it was just to avoid having the police come in and arrest a black woman and put her life in danger after she was provoked and started trying to drive through the picket line”. A white person they would gladly see arrested and thrown in prison, but it makes them look like hypocrites when they get the cops called and a black woman arrested because they were accusing her of “pushing with her car”

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