This is his OpEd:

Robert B. Reich: Can Biden heal America when Trump and his allies don’t want it healed?

In case you missed the news, Joe Biden was elected president of the United States. With almost all ballots counted, Biden has more than 75 million votes and Trump some 71 million. The Electoral College isn’t even close.

But Donald Trump still has not conceded, and some leading Republicans say he shouldn’t.

Elections usually end with losing candidates congratulating winners and graciously accepting defeat. They thereby demonstrate their commitment to the democratic system over the particular outcome they fought to achieve.

Apparently there will be no graciousness from Trump and his allies, and no concession from Trump.

They don’t want America to heal. They don’t want Americans to come together. They’d evidently prefer continuous warfare because that’s the only way they think they can win.

Remember this:

I guess “Third” Reich’s definition of healing is subjecting the loser of an election and his supporters to show trials and punishment.

Given the threats of being put on enemies lists and made to suffer and all the evidence of election fuckery, lots of fuckery, no wonder Trump and his supporters don’t want to stop fighting.

The Left doesn’t want to heal in the traditional sense, they want to heal the way you treat a gangrenous diabetic ulcer, amputation. They want to cut off Trump supporters from society.

They don’t want to really heal this nation, they want to continue to divide it to justify the fascist purge they want to engage in.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Robert “Third” Reich on election projection”
  1. And where was this loon in 2016 calling for people to come together? Where was his distraught outrage over people yelling “Not my president!” on prime time news shows from behind the anchor desk?

    Oh, yeah, it is only Republicans that must graciously concede. It is only Republicans that must accept the results of an election without argument. It is only Republicans that must accept “the will of the people.”

    I remember how ObamaCare passed. They had to get a republican senator to change sides. Do you remember why it was so close? It was because the Republican candidate for Senate in NH conceded. She lost by around 1500 votes. She decided not to fight. Not to demand recounts. Not to call the election into question.

    A few years later they found that there were a large number, greater than 1500 by far, voters that were collage age and attending NH collages from out of state, that voted with same day registration. And then never completed the process of becoming a citizen of NH.

    I’ve been listening to all the Dems saying in oh so polite voices “We won, and you need to just accept it and be good little quiet subjects.”

  2. This a-hole is calling on R’s to concede and accept an election with so many irregularities Iran is getting ideas. Yet he turns to his followers and demands that repubkicans be purged from society.

  3. I am willing to show just as much grace and polite acceptance as the left did in 2016. Once we’ve finished with demanding the Electoral College refuse to seat Harris, and proclaiming Harris illegitimate, trying to burn the whole system down to spite her, challenging and “resisting” her administration at all turns, and probably rioting in the streets and accusing her of genocide, we’ll be almost even. Fair is fair, after all.

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