Finally in my hands!. I lustily opened the box and there it was!

Huh? What is that? Oh hell! You have to be effing kidding me!

I have an uncircumcised snub nose revolver!

After double checking with the Facebook Brain Hive, we came to an agreement that since on its sides states that this device was manufactured in Brazil, it was imported with a 3 inch barrel to comply with the regulations of GCA 68.

Already sent a message to Taurus with a picture attached to it, but I guess everybody went home to quarantine because of the Wuhan Virus.

I don’t like the grip. It does not feel right in my hand no matter how I mess with it, so I am gonna sell it and use the money for ammo or reloading components when they are back in the shelves.

And no, Rabbi J. Kb. is not gonna do a Bris on that thing.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Rossi Recall ordeal is over. In a way.”
  1. And now you know why me and mine have passed by anything Taurus for years. They’re stupid, and their quality control sucks.

  2. Darn it! Beat me to the suggestion on snipping the thing.

    That just looks….odd. I understand the legal reasons but still its odd.

  3. So there was a “recall” and the gun they sent you is a different model than what you had before? I’m confused.

      1. Oh, ok.
        I was wondering because I had some experience with manufacturers doing unexpected things. Some years ago I sent my mini-22 back to NAA for the cylinder safety retrofit. They did a complete refurbish, which was fine.
        What’s not fine is that they wirebrushed the frame, all of it except the serial number area. That obliterated the original manufacturer’s stamp, which they replaced by the current one. So what was an NAA gun made in CA became one made in UT. It still works, of course, but I did not appreciate this sort of stunt.

  4. The grips are easy to swap out. But, yeah, I can see why you wouldn’t want to deal any more with this.

  5. Really strange looking gun, hard to get a holster for that thing on the front. Taurus web site doesn’t show that

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