Ruger has set up a page where with one pass, you send the President, Vice-President, your Senators, Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State-Level Elected Officials and State Attorney General a nice little and polite reminder that you will be displeased with new gun control measures.

Take advantage and send them ANOTHER memo.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Ruger making it easy to contact your elected officials.”
  1. Great! Did it and also asked Ruger to put it on Facebook so we can all share the page. Any other ideas on how to advertise this page?
    Thanks! šŸ™‚

  2. My rep changed in the last election, and Ruger’s form sent email to the outgoing and not the new. Not that I’m complaining, mind you, but if your rep changed you may need to do that separately.

  3. I’ve heard a rumor that ruger has backed off it’s production of weapons for public sale in order to fufill more government contracts? Anyone else have any info on this? I do know they have almost no weapons in stock on there website……

    1. Ruger AFAIK is not under any major contract. Remington is doing M4s now for the .Gov (24K) and Beretta got the pistols. I think Glock still has the lionshare of the pistol market for LEOs.
      Still, you are talking a small percentage of sales compared to the Civilians. If my memory serves right, Armed Forces plus LEO totals is around 3 million people. If you were to give each and everyone a rifle and a sidearm, the total would be 6 million units. Total NICS checks for 2012 were 19,592,303.

  4. Anyone else cringe a little at volunteering to ‘register’ yourself by sending that email to all those people?
    Tinfoil I know… but still *cringe*

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