LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Los Angeles County officials are recommending that the stay-at-home order be extended for the next three months as the region continues efforts to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

At a Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, county Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer said the order will “with all certainty” be extended unless there is a “dramatic change to the virus and tools at hand.”

LA County’s stay-at-home order will likely remain in place for next three months, officials say

First thing that comes to mind is there won’t be new TV shows or episodes of the ones running. Movies? Later in production or even post? Stopped. And that is just Hollywood because the rest of the Los Angeles economy (and the state) is going to take a major irrecoverable dump, at least for the next few years. All the small  business that right now are at the edge of collapse will surely close for good and millions will be out of their jobs. The issue will be where does LA County will get the money to support the sea of unemployed people they will have to deal with, specially when the rest of the country is feeling less Christian about showing love to the people that keep insulting them.

Maybe The Purge will be streamed live and supported by a Gofundme or similar.

Hat Tip Manny L

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “S*** just got interesting in California.”
  1. Unless shows take place in LA a lot of them are being filmed in Georgia now days.

    Remember after Georgia’s heart beat bill and Hollywood made a big deal about boycotting Georgia?

    Georgia is open and LA is closed. I expect even more filming to be done in Georgia or Texas.

  2. Did they bother to give an excuse for this apparent decision? I haven’t heard of one. Then again, the left seems to be making up these things all over the place without any supporting rationale.

  3. I would point out just how flawed and foolish this decision is, but then again, flawed and foolish describes the Left right down to the foundation.

    1. That’s the charitable assumption — if you still believe that these decisions stem from ignorance rather than malice.

  4. OK, this is a case (from what I can tell) of a scary headline being used for something that is not as bad.

    The stay at home lasting for three months is the duration of the plan to get from today to full open economy. It will go from major restrictions, to lesser ones, to voluntary ones for non-infected, then full opening, etc… Just like everywhere else.

    However, the news media cannot help themselves from hyping the panic. In another example, I saw a headline about how COVID-19 is surging in areas that have reduced restrictions. SURGING! Wuhan, birthplace of the virus was an example used. There are six new cases. What’s the population of Wuhan? 19 Million on the major metro area, if Wikipedia is correct. And, the surge is six new cases. Six.

    Lesson one here is ignore the headline.

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