What The Holy Flock?

Pardon me for stating the obvious, but I believe wheelchair people already are effing seated!

Meet the genius:

And hear this: She is being roasted alive not because it is an idiotic idea but because it eliminates “beds” for the homeless. But I doubt she had that ulterior motive as I don’t think she is capable to generate an original thought and breathe at the same time without acquiring a stroke.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Saint Patrick made Ireland snake-free, but not idiot free.”
  1. Maybe I’m dense, but couldn’t the wheelchair user park at either end of the bench just as effectively?

      1. “…to make things ‘equal’ you have to take from everyone else.”

        Wow! You hit it right on the head!
        Pretty much sums up the “________ rights” efforts.

  2. Remember the old Greek story of a man who had a bed that would fit anybody. The downside was, if the bed was too short, he would lop off your legs to make you fit. If too long, the old rack would pull out your legs till you fit. See, everybody will be equal this way!

  3. The armrests already prevent the benches from being used as beds by the homeless. That’s why new benches have armrests. This just takes a seat away from an able bodied person for no reason.

  4. I’ve never been mortified to be Irish until now.

    This is along the lines of why do we need 15-20 handicap spaces in front of Home Depot?

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