“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14
This is as far as I dare to go right now. There are other gun bloggers with better writing skills who have managed to write great pieces and I encourage you to go read them. I am still seething for what happened, immensely saddened for the families that lost children and downright furious about those who immediately wanted to politicize and capitalize on the massacre.
One thing is for certain: I am done being polite to the opposition. It is no longer “come and get them” but “It is time to pay the piper.”
Yesterday morning, The Collectivists Supporting Government Violence (CSGV) was dancing in the blood of the victims less than a hour after the first reports. These people have no heart or soul. I hope Ladd and all of his minions rot in hell. The gun haters even gathered at the White House last night, not to pray for the victims, but to demand more gun control.
My only post yesterday was to express the wife’s and my condolences.
I note with respect ROBERT FOWLER’s comment “My only post yesterday was to express the wife’s and my condolences” It is overwhelmingly the same from our culture (yeah… that would be GUN culture) all over FB… posts of condolence and respect. Trainers, shooters, LE and military, all saddened and supportive and RESPECTFUL. Later on when the “debate” (aka “histrionics”) begin you’ll see the sheepdogs smile.
And what do you see when sheepdogs smile ???
Miguel another Bible verse…..Matthew 18:16, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” time to break out some millstones……
Miguel, as I said on FB, I look to John 15:13 “No greater love hath a man than that he willingly lays down his life for his fellows”. My mind screams, demanding to know why no one took offensive action on behalf of these innocents. I have had 37 good years and would have willingly traded the balance of my time in an attempt to stop the carnage and purchase the time that was ultimately taken from those children.
I have a post coming tomorrow about John 15:13
Victoria Soto gave her life for the children in her care.