SEATTLE — Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best has announced that she will be resigning next month.
The news of Best’s resignation comes on the same day the Seattle City Council voted to cut spending for the Seattle Police Department.
Best has been dealing with issues regarding police brutality nationally, as well as police use of force during Seattle protests, and navigating the Consent Decree.

Best also had protesters come to her Snohomish County house, creating tension with neighbors.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best announces resignation

From what I read around, the budget shavings cuts her salary in half and forces the already officer-depleted department to get rid of 100 officers. Add to the mix that Antifa is going to her house to harass and I clearly understand why she figured the job ain’t worth it and the city certainly is not.

The good news is that the suburbs eventually should see less incidents with Antifa. It is easier for the Black Mutts to Burn, Loot and Murder where payback is not available  and their hides will not be beaten.

So Seattle burns? At this point in time, really who gives a damn about it? certainly not most their inhabitants (Present readership excluded).

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Seattle Police Chief says “F*** it” and quits.”
  1. Good luck getting another job, Chief.

    And I think Antifa etc will still come into the suburbs. They will run out of downtown stuff to loot, burn and destroy soon enough.

  2. Let me just say that I know less about Seattle politics than about the city itself. If negative knowledge was possible, I’d have it.

    That said, I heard an interview on the radio with a guy from Seattle who sounded reasonable. He said that most people there thought Carmen Best was a good police chief, and he was hoping she’d run for mayor next time.

    Maybe they gave her the incentive plan? Resign at the higher salary and start the campaign?

    1. Not sure how, except on the general assumption that calling anyone who isn’t white any sort of perjorative-sounding name is “racist”. I am not aware that “mutt” is a known derogatory term for African Americans, and just adding the term “black” to any particular derogatory term does not automatically make it a “racist” statement. “Black dogs” would be more racist, since I think there have been some people who actually used that term in the past in some places. Apparently the author thinks “mutt” is a good term for a person that displeases him. These people happen to be black, so he specifies that they are BLACK mutts. That is not racist, it’s just rude, and it’s meant to be. I am not required to respect every single person who isn’t white at all times, in spite of whatever sort of behavior they engage in, lest I be “racist” by calling them something unpleasant.

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