We saw this a year ago when the same assholes on the Left wanted to deny medical care to people who got COVID and were not masking.

Now they want to deny you healthcare if you’re not vaccinated, even though the rate of hospitalizations and death is lower than it was at the beginning.

There is no shortage of beds or equipment.

They simply want those who they decided are second class citizens to die.

And what makes a person a second class citizen?  Not buying into the COVID insanity by going all in on obeying the capricious contrivances of our government overlords.

People who comply get medical care, people who don’t comply do not.

Under Stalin “The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced with a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

That us what they are demanding for medical care.

Scratch a Leftist and find a mass murdering, oppressive Communism underneath.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Second class citizens will be treated as such and left to die”
  1. Yah they are all loud mouths talking about what someone else should do to us until someone busts a cap in their ass. Then it’s, why you picking on me bro?? Retards are alive because we haven’t weeded then out. Yet….

  2. Tell you what. We can compromise here. I’m vaccinated, but I’ll gladly sign a waiver putting me to the back of the ICU line if only I could live in a world where deranged, criminally insane, dangerous liberals like the Sausage King of Chicago here would leave me alone and stop trying to control me, and would stop trying to make people’s health decisions for them.

    1. One would hope so.

      It particularly boggles the mind to see this sort of statement from a guy whose name indicates he is probably Jewish. Is he really so utterly braindead, or brainwashed, to have forgotten everything that happened between 1933 and 1945? What part of “Judenrein” does he not understand?

      1. The name isn’t indicative of anything with him. It’s a character from ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.’

  3. I don’t believe the overcrowding BS one bit but I seem to remember we had a President who set up hospitals and hospital ships for any unforeseen overflow.

    Dollars to donuts Xiao won’t even think of doing that since it was 45 who did it.

    Stay jabless my friends…..or don’t. Your body your choice. 🙂

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