I’ll let the narration give you the basic info:

First of all, awareness and pays off. The lady realized quickly what was going on and took action so we can add decisiveness to the formula and was aggressive when she finally needed to be.

We also have confirmation that the first rule in a gun fight is to have a gun. No doubt that things would have gone differently if the lady was unarmed or with a sub-standard weapon. Also, I am sure she never thought that a gun fight would involve her sitting on the floor against the door using her rear end as door stop: we never know when or where we will be forced to fight for our lives.

And I will say it, Pocket Carry SUCKS. The stars aligned right this time and only the Bad Guy lost, but damn ! It took forever to get that gun out of the pocket.

Add your own observation. This video is full of lessons we can take.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Self Defense Shooting: Great Lessons in One Video.”
  1. Good points Migusl. The putz with her was less than useless. I commend her on her courage and intrepidity. Well done.

  2. As Six and Larry both said, the other two people could have been doing MUCH more. The guy outside, who seems to have just delivered beer, could have been instrumental in this situation, instead you can see him through the window in the one shot just standing there with his hands up looking like a doofus. At the VERY least he could have called emergency services.
    The other person inside the store could have assisted in keeping the door shut, moved something heavy in front of it, or any of a number of other useful actions. Instead, he kind of hopped around like a kid excited about watching a fist fight in the playground during recess.
    I tip my hat to the owner, she showed real courage, real common sense, and proper alertness. The criminal already had his gun in hand as he approached, which was probably his biggest tactical error. If he had kept it concealed, he might have been mistaken for ‘just another customer’ instead of ‘impending threat.’ She did the absolute best she could in the situation.

  3. …okay after watching that I’m switching back to .357. It seemed like two shots to the upper chest and he still ran away. Sadly I have no audio so I don’t know if he survived.

  4. @Terriligunn, even a direct hit to the heart would not have dropped the guy instantly. Depending on the physical condition, it would take from 4 to 7 seconds for the brain to cease functioning for lack of oxygenated blood. The only sure stopper is a direct hit to the brain stem.

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