So this happened on Christmas eve while fixing food.

Cut went deep into the knuckle almost perpendicular to it. Bleed like crazy since they have me on a daily regiment of aspirin ()which I will talk to my doc about) and Celox was applied.

I thought I had done all the proper cleaning and application of antiseptics, but  my thumb is now in pain and swollen. I am on my way to the local urgent care franchise  which is closer than the ER and probably less crowded.

And I cannot tell you how many mistakes have been made writing this post. Lack of usable thumb does interfere regular life.

In the meantime, go read Big Country Expat’s post. We my talk about it later in the Forum. He is raising some of the same questions I have been pondering.

The Intrepid Reporter: Weird Shit-O-Meter at 11 (

Update: Back from the clinic. The wound is closed, so no effing around with it. Lots of antibiotics for 10 days.
The “doctor” almost shat his pants. He squeezed the thumb a bit too hard rebandaging it and apparently the stream of cussing coming out of my mouth combined with the murder look may have loosened his bowels.
The clinic did go silent for a few seconds.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Self- Inflicted Stupidity”
  1. Yikes! I hate when I do that during* the holidays. And I do it every year at this time

    With me it’s usually a finger tip. I have a ritual for holiday cooking where I hone my knives to perfection.

    You don’t even feel it happen. You just see the blood.

    I’ve had nerve issues of late with my hands, so I’ve been more deliberate and careful this year.

  2. Lots of people want to make Nashville something big, but it doesn’t really appear to be so to me. The “spectacular suicide” angle seems most likely. Maybe a protest against data collection thrown in as an excuse, but to leap to theories about false-flags or foreign involvement… I think people are starting with their conclusion and picking the data they want.

    For example, the AT&T equipment supposedly targeted wasn’t “taken out hard” — it ran fine for hours on backup natural gas generators. But there was fear of a gas leak, so the gas to the neighborhood was turned off, and the generators shut down after that.

  3. *wince*

    Glad you got it taken care of.

    Perhaps this is the opportunity/excuse to get a pair of those chainmail gloves…?

    1. Those suckers are dangerous. I had one take a chunk out of a fiberglass cast once. Better that than my hand that was in the cast, but still…

      1. I was showing the old lady this post and saw that link. Got the same knife sitting on my counter. I got it to see if I wanted to go back to a large chefs knife after using a santoko for some time. I ended up getting a 9” henkels.

        The Victorinox is very, very sharp and I like the handle but I find it grabby and unbalanced, so I tend to make mistakes. Luckily they’ve been minor or near misses.

  4. I made a similar knife mistake as a boy scout. 50 years later I still have clearly visible scars on my left thumb and index finger. And the lesson still is vivid in my mind. 🙁

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