The dude is awesome……some democrat is gonna put a contract on him if he keeps making them look this stupid.
18 thoughts on “Senator Cruz not taking crap from Senator Feinstein.”
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Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
The dude is awesome……some democrat is gonna put a contract on him if he keeps making them look this stupid.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Wait….she said there’s bullets that implode (around the 47-48 second mark)? Dang…I’d like to try a couple of those against some watermelons!
But, yeah, she’s still an idiot.
The evil black hole boolits!
Funny, I thought those kinds of imploding bullets only existed in video games.
Christ Lord in Heaven, she didn’t jump off the deep end, SHE IS the deep end.
Feinstein: “I’ve seen the bodies riddled with bullets”
me: “what, you mean in Halo?”
No wonder politicians think gamers can’t tell fantasy from reality. “Bullets that implode” was the part where I stopped listening.
I voted for Senator Cruz and so proud of him because, right out the gate, He`s doing what he promised to do if elected. 🙂
I supported and voted for him and I am loving everything I hear/see that he’s doing.
I’m not from Texas, and (sadly) I’m probably not able to move out of IL for a long time. But in the meantime, PLEASE do whatever you can to keep Cruz in office! It’s nice to have someone like him to verbally and logically beat on Feinstein. She needs a nemesis like him to keep her antiquated ignorant thoughts in check.
Left Illinois in 1973( Chicago) and Ted Cruz will be in office as long as he wants. We chose him instead of “the GOPpretty-boy”!! 🙂
I think that the only body she ever saw was Harvey Milk’s body, and he was killed with a revolver, if memory serves. So, yeah. All those others? HALO, or outright lies.
She has studied the Constitution in order to subvert it.
“I am not a sixth grader.” Doubt she made it out of 5th grade.
I just realized. You know what she looks like?
She looks exactly like how J. K. Rowlings described Dolores Umbrage in the Harry Potter books. (not like the actress who portrayed her in the movies, who looked an entirely different kind of evil and terrifying)
She ACTS exactly like Dolores Umbrage, too.
When I first listened to this, I was thinking “Hey, bitch, you didn’t answer the QUESTION, did you?” And then
Cruz called her on it!
I almost needed a smoke and a drink.
Part of a blog entry I posted earlier this morning..
2nd Amendment.
A well regulated[uniform, controlled] Militia[a body of people that come together for their common defense], being [an existing thing] necessary [required, absolutely essential, something that cannot be denied because of the nature of things, logical] to the security [freedom from fear or danger] of a free [not encumbered, not restricted, without fear] State [a community of people], the right[again, something you are justly owed, to which you have claim…something that is yours and nothing and nobody can say otherwise] of the people [that means all of us, citizens, free beings, the community to which we all belong] to keep [to own, to have in your possession] and bear [to use, to transmit, to bring forth, to possess] Arms [offensive or defensive implements of war], shall not [ will not be allowed to, cannot be countenanced] be infringed. [limited, restricted, violated, to commit a breach against, to encroach or transgess against]
In plain english this means that Congress, the body politic of people selected to represent us, can NOT in any way, shape or form..touch our weapons, tell us what weapons we are allowed to have or not have, tell us or the business we own involved in the manufacture of said weapons, what weapons and parts we/they are allowed to manufacture! In other words you imbecilic poltroons..SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! This is NOT negotiable it is, with the lone narrow exceptions of criminals and those deemed to be a danger to both themselves and society at large… ABSOLUTE.
Very well said ! Send a copy of this to all the loons in DC.
“…some democrat is gonna put a contract on him if he keeps making them look this stupid…”
They’d better not, is my opinion. The moment one of those People loved by The People is executed- even accidentally, I think- the gloves will come off and MVB’s “100 heads” will be in effect. A lot of liberal politicians, small stature and national stature, will find themselves on the wrong end of a crosshair with “Message Sent”. IOW, their best interests is in keeping those like Senator Cruz happy and healthy.
Of course, I could be wrong and it won’t take that much encouragement from current PTB to spark the gas. All they need do is continue to trample our faces in the mud.
I noticed something else in her tirade: “what do you want civilians to have, a bazooka?” Given Waco and Ruby Ridge, that might not be a bad idea.
Agreed. 2A puts no limitations on any weapons (“to keep and bear arms….except for _____”). If a private citizen wanted to go out and buy an M1A1 and clank his way to work, well, then more power to him. No more traffic jams for That Dude! However….the cost in gas, insurance, maintenance, tax-title-license should be more than prohibitive to 99.8% of the citizenry out there. We simply can’t afford it. But that should be the ONLY reason why That Dude doesn’t buy a tank. Not cuz Senator Frankenstein there gets all aquiver over the mere thought of someone on the tollroad in a Panzer.
‘Course, bein a history nut, I’d be the first in line for a Panzer, myself.
I agree, except if Bloomberg wasn’t such a hoplophobic ass, he would own an M1 and drive it around New York. Now that’s a scary thought.
I know in my heart that Cruz will let me down one day (provided he keeps running and winning in the future), but, for right now, I’m proud as hell of the Junior Senator from my home state of Texas.