By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “Seriously Joe, fuck and you.”
  1. Didn’t the Taliban take the embassy in Afghanistan?

    We have three more years of this to get worse.

  2. Williamson Cnty TN, to your west, is even worse for some reason I could never ascertain. Franklin area seems to always have the worst gas prices in Tennessee.

  3. I saw 3.87 at one place here. 3.65-68 most places. Thank YOU joe…this is what happens when you let stupid people lead.

  4. Regular gas has doubled in price since the slow joe regime got installed – and that is in Texas no less 🙁
    BUT it is still cheaper than milk from my last grocery run, can’t afford either one. And I won’t even get started on the rate increase for our gas/electric company.

    1. Just before this Fascists insanity started, I signed up for three years at a set price for electricity. I have two years three months to go. (Insert dancing meme here)

  5. “We are just missing the embassy invasion and the taking of hostages.”

    Stop giving suggestions! 8>)

  6. Buddy of mine just saw seven (7!) bucks a gallon at one of our neighborhood stores here in south western washinistan! They are usually higher than other places but dang!! Thought it would take until memorial day. Don’t forget our state fuel taxes include the words “bend over” when you read about them.

  7. Buddy of mine just saw seven (7!) bucks a gallon at one of our neighborhood stores here in south western washinistan! They are usually higher than other places but dang!! Thought it would take until memorial day.

  8. And seriously, this could all be fixed by an adult in charge just saying “FIX IT NOW!”
    I have said for years that Democrats don’t care if you have a job or a business or if you pay $6 for gas or your heating costs double, food costs go up etc and they have proven that over the last 3 years

  9. 3.79-9/10 all across the Twin Cities MN area today.
    30 cents higher from earlier this week.
    Some stations are trying 3.94-9/10.

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