A video was released of a plain clothes police officer being run over by a suspect in San Francisco.

Do SFPD rules, police cannot shoot at moving vehicles, even if their lives are in danger.

Note the cop pointing his gun at the driver while the driver backed over the other officer.

I think there is a better way for the non ranking brass of the SFPD to handle this situation.

Make it very clear, with a public release of information, that the current constraints on police make it too dangers for the police to patrol or engage in any law enforcement of any kind in Outer Richmond, Haight Ashbury, or any of the other super wealthy districts in the city.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “SFPD rules of engagement”
  1. At least one other large department (Chicago) has the same rule. Apparently, a rolling ton of steel can’t be used as a weapon in the minds of some politicians. Chicago also forbids almost all vehicle pursuits, and coincidentally, carjackings are through the roof. Unexpectedly.

  2. Last year, Cariann Denise Hithon thought she could run over Miami Beach PD and got killed for her effort. The chief of MBPD had issued a directive about not shooting fleeing cars… but people apparently stopped there and did not listen to the rest …”unless they were using deadly force.”


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