More news is available about what happened in Oklahoma City and the Louie’s Grill & Bar shooting.
Shannon Watts immediately rushed to attack the idea that it was good men with guns.
Hey @NRA – The two men who got guns from their cars to take out the Oklahoma shooter were: 1) A former police officer and current security guard, 2) A member of the National Guard for two decades and who served in Afghanistan.
Not. Average. Civilians.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) May 26, 2018
See, the two guys that engaged the shooter were not just regular Joe Schmoes with CCW permits. One was a retired cop the other is National Guardsman. That means that both men were anointed with the magic, superiority granting fairy dust of government.
Or in Shannons word’s “Not. Average. Civilians.”
Except that they are. A retired cop is a… civilian. Being a police officer is not like being a knight, it is not a lifetime title of nobility.
Also, don’t forget that a review of police shootings shows that they had a hit accuracy of 18-30%. I get that being involved in a shooting is stressful, but most police do not have force-on-force shooting training so the idea that a cop is going to be any more accurate than an “average civilian” with a CCW is ludicrous.
Over the the Guardsman. America is not a Junta. A National Guardsman who has not been activated by the governor is a… civilian. I have no idea what his MOS is, but unless he is combat arms, his firearms training may be no more than what we went through at basic plus his annual qualification. He may have never shot a handgun in his military career.
When it comes to firearms training with the military, there is an article worth reading by a former member of MARSOC about non combat arms troops.
Negligent discharges: One subject the military really doesn’t like to talk about
I concur with the idea that weapon safety is a mindset. I think our least common denominator training and treating the troops like idiots at the rifle range causes them to either be afraid of weapons or be cavalier about them. As a result, there are NDs. In Special Operations Forces, the mindset is very, very different and NDs are incredibly rare. Pointing weapons at each other is not tolerated and there is a ton of pride in one’s ability to masterfully handle the tools of our trade.
We know that policemen have loaded weapons 100 percent of the time they are working for their entire careers. For Marines and Soldiers, it is almost zero while in garrison. A mechanic goes to the rifle range at most once a year and there he is told in lockstep fashion to load, shoot and unload. That same mechanic is expected to carry a rifle and ammo everywhere he goes while in Iraq. Infantrymen spend a lot of time in the field carrying empty weapons but total hours of carrying loaded weapons into offices, chow halls, public places = zero while in garrison.
So in all likelihood, this Guardsman’s pistol wielding ability is the result of civilian practice and not military experience.
*There is one thing I’d like to mention here. I hate that “civilian” is no longer includes police officers. In the strictest sense, a “civilian” is defined by the law to be a non-combatant in war. Police in the US are not military and cannot be militarized. If we were to be invaded, they have the same legal status as the rest of us. Defining police as non-civilians only exacerbates the “us vs them” mentality that causes problems in law enforcement. If you want to make the argument that they are not civilians because they are civil servants, than every Post Office Worker and DMV employee is also not a civilian because they receive a goverment paycheck.
So the reality is a former cop and an off duty Guardsman with CCW permits are legally civilians and if they only have their minimum agency or military training, are below “Average. Civilians.” by CCW standards.
That’s not enough however, Shannon has to continue attacking CCW.
And the gunman? He had a concealed carry permit and was licensed as an armed security guard. Oh – and a history of domestic violence. In 2003 he was arrested after he punched his mother during a dispute over a vacuum cleaner.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) May 26, 2018
How than this be? There has to be some bullshit here.
Tilghman was licensed as an armed security guard, which authorized him to carry a firearm, said Gerald Konkler, general counsel for the Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training. The council certifies law enforcement officers and other armed personnel across the state.
Obtaining such a license requires a background check and at least 72 hours of training.
An Oklahoma armed security guard license is not a CCW. I don’t know if he had a CCW, but his security guard licence isn’t one.
But he’s a prohibited person, right? No.
Tilghman didn’t have an extensive police record. In fact, his last contact with the police was in 2003. Mathews said that at that time, he had been arrested at the age of 13 for a domestic assault and battery. But there were no records in their system of any additional reports about Tilghman after that, officials said.
He was arrested at 13. He was not convicted. As a juvenile under 17 when this happened, he could have his record expunged as an adult. Either way, he’s not legally a prohibited person.
So that tuns out to be bullshit too.
The Oklahoma gunman also left behind a social media footprint in which he said both Satan and his coworkers were following him…
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) May 26, 2018
That’s crazy.
His family told reporters that Tilghman had serious mental health issues and they tried to get him help.
He’s still wasn’t adjudicated mentally ill and therefore not a prohibited person.
She concludes with this.
The truth is that the @NRA thinks anyone who buys a gun is a good guy with a gun – training, background checks, safeguards be damned. They don’t care that 96 Americans are shot and killed every day and hundreds more are injured.
They don’t care, so we must.
Text ACT to 64433.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) May 26, 2018
Yeah… except that the shooter had a background check and 72 hours of training, but because he was arrested but not convicted as a juvenile and not adjudicated mentally ill, he was able to pass a background check.
So what is the point here? The process that was supposed to prevent a bad guy from getting a gun didn’t.
What about the two men who shot Tilghman? They passed a background check for a their CCW permits. They also passed the Oklahoma CCW training class. Maybe they had slightly better training as a former COP and Guardsman but that may have been marginal at best, and evidence shows that the minimum LEO or military standards results in bad performance.
Every part of her argument on why this shooting proves her narrative and not the NRA’s is dishonest horseshit.
Unfortunately people believe her.
Really? What evidence is there to support this in anyway?
Show me one case where civilians got into defensive gun battles and hit everything but the bad guy. I can show you where the NYPD hit nine bystanders.
What’s her proof?
HAHAHAHAHA. “Cops suck so civilians must be worse.” That’s not the quality argument that she thinks it is.
So trained professionals with actual real-life experience. Not some guy who goes to the shooting range every now and then.
— Elroy Squirt III (@smithnya) May 27, 2018
So unless it was a former SWAT officer and Infantryman, just two guys who got to the range every year to qualify?
That is the problem with these people is that put way too much faith in goverment training and way to little in target shooters. What can you expect from people who worship at the church of state. The magical fairy dust of goverment is all that is needed even if the training sucks. An IDPA or USPSA master with a CCW permit is just a civilian who is going to blow holes in everything.
According to Shannon Watts and Co. Barney Fife is more qualified than Jerry Miculek because… badge.
“He was arrested at 13. He was not convicted.”
This is a key point. “Arrested” is not equal to “guilty.” That is, unless you were a subject of the USSR, according to Solzhenitsyn — “If you aren’t guilty, then why were you arrested?”
In 1999, the departments of the city where I worked decided to have a pistol competition. It wound up being the fire department, police department, public works, and the electric utility. I won my event, with the SWAT sniper coming in second behind me.
Overall, the electric utility won. The President was the best cowboy action shooter I have ever seen. He used to volunteer to do a show at a local tourist attraction on the weekends.
The fire department came in second.
The police were third.
That was the first and last year that we had that competition.
I joke that NRA hosts Police Only competitions just to save them the embarrassment of being beaten by WalMart greeters.
So this means that she’s cool with me carrying a gun because I went to basic training 29 years ago, right?
“Not. Average. Civilians.”
If Shannon were dictator for a day, they’d be the only ones, maybe.
Two guys with guns stopped a mass murder.
Why in the Hell is she complaining?
What if it was Wayne La Pierre who shot the SOB? Same difference.
Sorry I do not listen to attention whores who gave armed security and demand I disarm.
Shannon Watts has armed security so she is “Not. Average. Civilian.”
Hypocritical, Constitution-hating despot!
Who is Shannon Watts?