A dana Loesch tweet got me a bit of interesting info:

I went “Who is Berlin Rosen?” It turned out to be a What. A Public Relations firm based both in NY and DC. So who they work for? I am glad you asked! Among some corporate entities we have  SEIU, MoveOn.org, Greepeace, and Rock the Vote. They just were involved with the election of Bill DeBlasion in NYC and a long list of distinguished electoral clients. And of course, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense.

Valerie Berlin and Jonathan Rosen are the founders  of BerlinRosen and directly tied to the NY State Democratic Party via working under former State Senator Eric Schneidermanand who now is the Attorney General of New York State and take a guess who were involved in his campaign for AG? You got it.

Hiring a NY/DC PR firm is not cheap, I don’t care if they see eye to eye on political stuff. They talk the talk, but at the end of the day, cash is king and they demand it.

I am going to keep researching this little thread. Who know what may unravel. Anybody else feeling “sleuthian” is free to lend a hand.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Again: Who is funding Moms Demand Action? The bill must be staggering”
  1. Moms Demand has always been funded by Bloomberg. That’s why I always refer to them as “A wholly owned subsidiary of Michael Bloomberg, Inc.”


    “Moms Demand Action has continued to hold protests at the district offices of lawmakers they believe are persuadable. (Their specialty is the “stroller jam,” where moms with strollers and small kids cluster in a corridor or office to make their presence felt.) Bloomberg is assisting this effort by covering travel costs and helping groups bring on family members and survivors as full-time staff.”

    and of course, they just announced their “merger.”


  2. So why would a ‘grass roots’ org like MDA who’s head is from Indianapolis employ a PR firm from NY? why wouldn’t she hire a firm out of Indianapolis?
    I think this might be more evidence that MDA was dreamed up at the Illegal mayors convention.

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