By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “She’ll never have a boyfriend.”
  1. BTW miguel..did you see the story from fort myers about the school admin who called FIRST the Florida Dept of Children and Families and then had the idiot at DCF tell him that ‘well that’s really not our job. call the local PD.” and THEN admin idiot DID call the local cops. For what? witnessing a 12yr old girl, walk over to then kiss a 12yrs old boy…after having an argument with another 12yr old girl over which one of them liked the boy more. *facepalm* 2× the back of skull. I wrote a short..VERY short bit on it over at 2×4.

      1. I wonder if the person at DCF said “Are you freaking KIDDING ME!! If it worries you so much, call the freaking cops. Idiot!”
        So now some poor police officer has to waste valuable time and tax dollars on this crap.
        Forget the 2×4- I’d make that idiot teacher work at a Children’s home for a few months, and see what actual abused children look like.

        1. Joe…the 2×4 is an outlet for MY irritation at the whole thing, not a way to literally be any common sense into the idiot in question. Thereby restoring some of my sanity. Why are you trying to take all the fun out of my life? ;P

          1. Sorry about that- you smack them a few time with the 2×4, THEN we’ll make them work at a shelter…

            (Trust me, I’d rather get smacked by a 2×4 before I work at a children’s shelter again).

  2. More interesting is that this story is being reported by the San Antonio news, not the Houston Chronicle. As a Texan an former Houstonian I still read the Chronicle daily. Of course while this story was not reported, multiple other, non defensive shootings got the ” if it bleeds it leads” treatment. No worries though, the MSM is completely objective.

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