Sign up.  Win.  Wear a Trump shirt under another shirt.  Pack a MAGA hat.

Take your seat that you did not pay for.  Remove outer shirt and don hat.

Watch the show on Kathy Griffin’s dime wearing a Trump 2016 shirt and MAGA hat.

Enjoy the feeling of causing Griffin’s stunt to backfire.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Sign up for this”
  1. I see only one problem with your plan….
    You would actually have to sit through a Kathy Griffin “comedy” show. I’d rather eat the MAGA hat than do that.

    1. It would take some strong booze but I don’t think you’d be there that long. She’s probably have you kicked out, which would be even more epic.

  2. Yeah… I’m not sitting through that garbage. I would say that you should just protest by winning the tickets, and not going, leaving the seats empty. But chances are that the theater will already be pretty empty, and your protest would go unnoticed…

  3. Take the tickets. Drop them off at a homeless shelter. Preferably one that specializes in the mentally ill or alcoholic homeless.
    Get your friends together and fill a whole row.
    Bonus points for whoever can get the most scrofulous attendee.

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