It is official! I have my own Life size cardboard cutout at Smoke & Blunder courtesy of Smoke & Blunder’s Webmaster/Admin/Petulant Child.
God, it is hilarious. Do S&B actually thinks they are creating a professional image for their “business” that will make them respectable and earn them a billion bucks?
Dear S&B: please keep that profile for as long as you want. It is hurting you, not me.
Other recipients of S&B’s “payback”
Barron Barnet:
Say Uncle:
I am sure more are to come. Hell, Linoge must be pissed he does not have his fake profile up yet.
Ya think this website could be run by a bunch of anti’s?
Do you think we would be so lucky? It would be the ultimate Sock Puppet.
Um….after reading the “write-ups” this does sound like the work of some of the antis writing style.
Which is what I was implying from the beginning, even if I didn’t say it outright. Was waiting for you guys to come to the same conclusion
Look at the comments they said about me. The writing style matches the anti’s quite well.
No, I think it’s just a bunch of New Media Douchebag amateurs who want to be “the internet gun social media hub” or whatever-the-tell they think should be The Thing.
Amateurs because of their whole approach, but especially because of this crap.
Wow, I was going to send you that but I guess you already saw it.
see what happens when you leave the internets open to unsupervised children?
EP, I expect to see nudie pix in your Smoke & Thunder album pronto. I’m leaving RG… and possibly adopting Erin, so if you wanna have any shot…
Pay your bills, dick. Little Sister is an expensive habit and she don’t do deadbeats.
For those who wonder what this means…check out the comments section in Lawdog’s post on this choad.
I… I am? Or did you mean someone else when you said “little sister”? Because that’s how I identify, but I’m not sure you’re talking about me.
Aren’t you? 😉 Of course you could always keep him chained in a corner of your basement as a pet…
Um, ew. Thank your last ex for warning me about the gonorrhea.
I have to admit the photo he found for me is hysterical.
it’s cute kitteh’s cute kitteh pictures with snarky LOLCAT sayings is entertaining as hell.
[…] shovel, I guess the only thing you know is to keep digging posted @ 2/23/2012 10:15:41 […]
Like my ass. The people who run Yelp have more class than he ever will.
RG… class at Yelp? You know NOTHING of what you speak. I thought you might me well-read or at least do a little checking before you open your trap.
Bye bye RG, I’m going to direct my wandering eye at toddler vampire Erin now. She’s going to have to leave Miguel, send me backchannel nudie pics, and be willing to accept total submission for me to even think about showing her love, but I bet she is more ‘on the ball’ than you.
Hey babe
RG…. I’ve lost all respect and interest in you. What the FCUK do you know about Yelp and the people who run it? Class? You expose yourself as clueless…
My wandering eye is now directing itself to toddler vampire Erin. She will have to leave Miguel, backchannel me with nudie pix, and prepare for total submission if she is to have any hope of receiving any love, but something now tells me she is more ‘on the ball’ than anyone in this 4th tier shitshow. Erin, I hope you are listening.
RG, I have lost all respect and interest in you. What the FCUK do you know about Yelp and the people that run it?
My wandering eye now directs itself to toddler vampire Erin. She will have to leave Miguel, backchannel me with nude pix, and prepare for total submission if she wants to have a shot at receiving my love, but something tells me she is more ‘on the ball’ so to speak than you are.
So you’ve got a thing for ‘toddlers’?
Funny, I’ve never had much interest in you. And if a fantasy ever involved you anyhow, it’d probably involve a large wooden paddle and candle wax.
This has got to be the most elaborate troll EVER. Built an entire website and everything.
I think now that will have to say it was a troll. If they were hoping for any kind of business within the Gun Community, they are pretty much frakked.
Damn, I’m feeling left out now. 🙁
Me too
Me too
Me too!
(Man, this feels like Usenet – from back when I was, err, in my prime …)
LOL… you realize the youngins are going “Use..what?”
Forte Free Agent!
Free Agent was awesome!
I’ve heard of Usenet, but it was definitely before my time.
I’m a youngn and know what Usenet is. Anyone who was into computers even who was a teenager in the 90s, even early double oughts, knows Usenet.
The only people who don’t know of Usenet are “tech” wannabe’s. It’s dead simple.
I know not of this usenet and have never experienced the joys of a BBS.
I’ve never driven a Model T Ford either, but I like my Mustang. I guess that makes me a wannabe.
Everyone knows computers are for blogging and surfing pron anyway.
Imagine an Intewebs full of S&Bs discussing in an almost email format.
Imagine file sharing at 2400 Bauds.
It was pure frigging hell.
Showing your age again Patch!
“Snarkybytes is run by one Alan (no last name given) whose grimace is amateurish and he hasn’t posted much on guns at all, lately, anyhow, so no one reads him anymore. Mostly he just rails against non-iPad tablets and talks about how dead tree books are going the way of the Dodo. Kind of like us.”
There ya, go, Alan, how’s that? 😉
All in fun, of course, I still read you, when you post, and you’ve been a more active blogger than I ever have. Just having fun doing something from these d*cks’ perspective. (‘cept for that last line, of course. If we’re lucky, they’ll cut and paste it from here and forget to edit out that last line!)
When do I get my free profile? I can just imagine what my profile would say.
mine’s not even a gun blog, it’s a politics blog and I’d bet they’d have a ball with a profile for mine. 🙂
I kind of get the feeling that he’s going for the “Howard Stern” approach. He says the most outrageous/offensive things he can come up with to drive up readership by people who don’t really like or agree with his statements; but are curious to see what he’ll say next. Which could also be a not-so-clever tactic of an anti…
What a dork.
He’s definitely a loon.
Reminds me of the notebook of a jilted teenager talking about all the jerks who are jerky to him, and how much he hates them….and WHY DON’T THEY LIKE ME????
Let’s hope Mr. Pedo is also a cutter.
I think it’s about time to Out this Guy. He obviously doesn’t give a Crap about any else’s Privacy, since he has shown a willingness to steal Profiles w/o Permission for his own Profit. But then He claims “Fair Usage” when he’s called on it.
Of course I do believe it when he says he’ll never SELL any Personal Info. He’ll just GIVE it to “”, which is on the laptop next to him, THEN “” will sell it.
And since he keeps talking about, is he part of that Company, or is he ripping THEM off also?
You know, the only time I have heard of this site is because they are being dicks. And having read the replies on other threads, I would have to agree with the gunblogger community.
I will never load their site in my browser unless it is by accident.
As far as the “No such thing as bad publicity” argument they tried to make, I think this publicity is closer to “Local child care run by child molester”.
“Sucking up to his small following of vampirish female fans”
Dear Smoke & Thunder Admin, I beg to disagree!
1) It’s the vampires who do the sucking, not their food fans;
2) Small? I just got a phone call from Oleg Volk last night! I’m huge, I’m nationwide!
3) Following? There are other goths who read this blog?
and finally,
4) My name is Erin. Say my name, bitch! SAY MY NAME!!
In conclusion, Smoke & Thunder Admin: Where is my profile? You keep this up and I’ll start to think you don’t love me any more. 🙁
Oh damn. “Food” was supposed to have been struck through.
Bratty little sister: You made me laugh out loud! 🙂
You’re gonna work with Oleg?
If she is not, she should.
AWW, (pout) I have a camera. (well, on my cell phone) and I’ll invite you to our D&D game. Pick ME!
I said nothing of the sort, and he has made no such offer. He just happened to find my blog through my snarky comments about Smoke & Blunder, read a bit, and thought I was interesting enough to strike up a conversation with me.
(FYI, one of the first questions he asked was “What’s the deal with you and these ponies?”)
Erin, backchannel me. Oleg sucks up to every nutjob model he has the time to suck up to.
So just to be clear, you’re asking me to allow my pink pony to frolic in your mudhole? Because that’s what I think when J. Random Netguy asks me to “back channel” him.
I’ll back channel you, baby. Good and hard. Unf unf unf.
I think that’s exactly what he’s wanting Erin, and exactly what he deserves.
I would make sure the ball gag is good and tight, don’t want to make the neighbors worry with all his squealing.
*gasping … that made me LOL so hard i think i hurt myself
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal and tip your waitress.
Oleg is the awesome, you plan on doing a shoot with him anytime?
I’d love to go shooting with Oleg! I think he’ll be in Florida next month.
Do a shoot with him. I want to go do a real photo shoot, not just the impromptu one I did here
Well, he hasn’t asked. I don’t know what I’d say if he did, frankly.
But I would LOVE to take him to my shooting range in Daytona. I bet he’d kick ass with my Mosin.
A KSG? Ohhh we don’t like you no more! 😉
I wonder if the guys at NSSF would consider the use of their names and logos “Fair Use” they are very protective of their trademarks, and rightly so. I don’t know if I can post a picture in a comment but here’s a link to my screenshot:
I love that TTAG comment about Smoke and Thunder… Makes me wonder if Farago found hisself a new venture/way to be a petulant tantrum thrower.
Heh … in that case Paul Helinski won’t be far behind.
I spoke with one of NSSF’s VPs and told them about my intent to user repost their image, link, etc. Did you both to read their bios and super strict policies? I also contacted John Lott about the autofriending of every new Smoke & Thunder user He did not object.
I have not found any intelligent life here and the parody campaign will end soon, so stay tuned to Smoke & Thunder.
This has GOT to be an anti doing it. Their home page talks about the hunting and shooting sports. Thats right out of the Anti playbook of *the Second Amendment is about duck hunting and Olympic Target Shooting*.
“Petulant Child” is right. I haven’t seen such a pathetic display in quite a long time.
This is some fantastic trolling lol
I’m happy to oblige, too bad it’s gonna end soon
Gonna take your toys and go home? good.
Has this entered slander/libel territory yet?
You see, this is why we can’t have anything nice around here.
At this point, I think it is pretty much an inescapable conclusion that “Choke and Chunder” is being run as a false-flag exercise by a “gun control” extremist – consider the personal attacks, ad hominem fallacies, the “carries a concealed handgun which provides him comfort and warmth”, the fallacy that we are “driving people away” by our oh-so-scary demeanors when that is obviously not true (i.e. the myth of the declining firearm ownership rate), the repeated reference to “gun fanatics”, and so forth.
I almost have to wonder if this “Michael Frank” name is nothing more than yet another sock-puppet, especially given the non-stop references to “young people” in light of a certain Michael Frank’s past child pornography charges. This is all starting to seem too much like an orgy of evidence, and I have to wonder if his name, like ours, is being used as a stooge by someone else.
Or he is that stupid / sick.
The only significant flaw in this hypothesis is that none of the “gun control” extremists who have gone to fisticuffs with us before has demonstrated sufficient coding knowledge to assemble a site even as pathetic and dysfunctional as “Smoke and Thunder”. This is not to say they could not learn it, or recruit someone who does know how to make a craptacular site, but it is worth noting.
And, yeah, this is me being a little sad that despite winning the Say Uncle 2012 Gun Blog of the Year award, I do not get a cardboard cut-out of my very own :(.
There is even more in the extended comments of my profile. Well see if I feel like blogging it when I get home. What is significant though is he also invoked Markley’s law on himself.
How many different pieces of evidence do we need to see he is either an anti-gunner or a Fudd?
Don’t worry about you’re own cutout Linoge. If we found the real guy, I think I know why he left you alone. Thing is did he really think I didn’t know the same info?
Wrong again, I am building Linoge’s profile as I read this. He may be a bigger dumbfuck than you, but I bet he uses compound words correctly in his bio or about page.
Too bad you don’t understand the detailed usage of compound words.
There’s a reason you fled to comment here instead of responding where you first attempted to provoke a response.
Here is the same response again:
Your statement regarding my usage is false.
In this instance I was using it as a verb. You do know the difference between a noun and a verb right?
whether he is an Anti or just stupid, we can safely assume he has gone into the irrelevance files.
The bitch slapping is still going on over on the Starbucks FB wall as well. One of them made a snide comment along the lines of ‘I suppose Ladd should just off himself with a pence, screwdriver or a glass vase since according to you those are lethal weapons. Idiots’
What I said next probably would have caused an actual room to go ballistic.
“NGZ-yes as a matter of fact a pencil, screw driver, or vase CAN BE lethal weapons.You want me to explain them to you toddler? I can think of several ways to do it off the top of my head. Given a little more time I can think of more. The Human Mind is the most lethally efficient weapon on the planet. And HERE endeth the lesson, toddler. *sniff, sniff* Ewww… you crapped yourself. Now go run along and tell your mother that the bad man scared you, you stink.”
That was actually a rewrite from what I’d originally started to write which was a point by point enumeration of the 7 ways I could think of off the top of my head to kill with those objects. If I’d written the enumeration and printed it, it probably would have caused the room to go dead silent.
Did you claim your account yet??? hahaha!!
[…] was brought to my attention that a particular individual finally followed through on his threat and created a profile on his website for me. His threat I must say showed his commitment to being a classy member of the gun […]
For a crappy gun blog with a bunch of idiot followers, he sure spends a lot of time here hanging out!
By the way, since your gun blog is so crappy, can I have a refund on my subscription?
Dear idiot, you would not know the difference between a stone age blog and a true social network if the latter looked you in the eye and slapped you in the face.
Tell me… is it still a “social network” if no one is actually a member?
Oh, but you are a member, you just haven’t claimed your “free profile” yet.
The question remains, why are you spending all your time on a stone age blog talking to idiots?
I’m just a small blog, but if I call Broke and Blunder a douchebag, do you think he could make one of those cutouts for me?
[…] man, but “Smoke & Thunder Admin”’s incessant harassment of women (up to and including demanding “nudie pix” from them) sets my temper on […]
Personally, I’m not legally old enough to own a weapon, but you gun bloggers in general have done nothing but encourage me that keeping one around for self defense is a good idea. Whoever it is trying to convince anyone otherwise is a total idiot and shouldn’t be allowed access to the internet, much less a computer.
Young man, generally speaking, there is no minimum age for “owning” a firearm, only a minimum age for purchasing a firearm yourself. In my home state, a father can buy a firearm for his son’s 1st birthday or 13th birthday and say “Here son, this is yours now”, and the firearm will for all intents and purposes belong to the 1 year old or 13 year old. So please, educate yourself before you start spreading your false impression to others. I’m not trying to convince you that shit & piss gun blogs are bad for the image of firearms ownership. In the end, that is up to you to decide. I am only presenting an alternative point of view, and if you cannot see the truths illustrated in my latest post, “What would I call 10,000 gun blogs at the bottom of the ocean?” then I feel you are just in denial and looking to latch on to something, like the freaks that populate this blog. I would highly encourage read up on guns from reputable sources and more qualified people who might actually educate you on the subject. You could start by picking up a copy of “More Guns, Less Crime” by John Lott. He is a nationally known and highly respected gun writer who can convey the real facts to you. There is just too much bad info and hot air on 4th-tier gun blogs like this one. My point is that 4th-tier gun blogs mostly serve to divert people’s attention away from more qualified, more educational sources of information.
And here we are, with another shining example of your all-consuming FAIL.
JustAnotherGhost is apparently under the ripe old age of 18, and thus would qualify as a “young person” in most people’s books (I cannot speak to how child pornographers would view him, but that is another matter for another time). Furthermore, he is apparently new to firearms, and is trying to learn things from around the ‘tubes.
In other words, he is exactly the demographic you keep claiming you want to reach – young, under/mis-informed, and questing for knowledge.
And then you go and attack him. Instead of simply correcting him with a helpful, “Actually, you know what…?” you go and personally attack him for daring to spread mistaken information.
I literally could not care less about some two-bit, anonymous, misogynistic asshole insulting weblogs he does not like from no position of authority or knowledge to speak of, but I do believe strongly in pointing out hypocrisy and logical inconsistencies when I see them, and both of those phrases more than adequately encompass your behavior thus far.
So, really, what are you doing here?
He’s here to help us reach our true potential? Naw.. that’s not it.
He’s here so that the anti’s have a blog they can point at and say “See, this is why we need to take guns away, look at this asshole!”
Yeah, that’s probably it.
And don’t you know that the way to build a billion dollar social networking site is to shit all over everyone no matter who they are or their experience level.
Hilarious to see Fudd and Blunder try to explain the law. He can’t get anything correct.
[…] Gunnies have been trolled by an entity called “Smoke and Thunder” (follow the link to Miguel’s to see how nasty they […]
[…] the ocean. He can drown or sacrifice his nuts, his choice. If you’re wondering why, here’s why. Not to mention we have two friends that Oleg has taken pictures of too. Erin’s […]
O.O just went to check the real site to see what he had to say about it… Smoke and Thunder has been hacked. LMAO!!
we are still trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
But it is funny as hell.
[…] I did laugh. In other news, I’m past my prime. Hey, at least I had one. […]
[…] best actual pro-rights activists that she is a "dumbfuck" for disagreeing with him and demanding that other women "backdoor" him with "nudie pix". Who knew that misogyny was "appealing"? Note that neither […]
[…] was brought to my attention that a particular individual finally followed through on his threat and created a profile on his website for me. His threat I must say showed his commitment to being a classy member of the gun […]