About calling the Tampa area the Florida version of San Francisco & the West Coast.  And I am guessing somebody will bitch about my depicting of Palm Beach County and parts of Broward as the NY/NJ North East part of the state.

I apologize…lightly.  No, you guys are not as bad, but some shit up there kinda makes you think we ain’t living in Florida.

I reckon that us why we need a hurricane every ten years: Some serious deep cleaning and sending carpetbaggers back north…or to the deep waters.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “So I have been taken to task…”
  1. Tampa is completely different!

    San Franciso has an iconic bridge and Tampa… oh, the Skyway.

    Well Frisco has a historic district and Tampa… oh, Ybor.

    But Tampa doesn’t have a large homosexual population… oh, Ybor again.

      1. Unless things have changed radically at Wyoming Antelope Club, they don’t like shooting much faster than muzzle loading.

        1. I will admit I haven’t been there in a long while, but they had IDPA and USPSA clubs and competitions. That and too many bays not to allow shooting fast. Then again, Gun Range Soap Operas do exist and stupid shit develop because new managers are dumb and lazy.

    1. I had a delicious cuban sandwich at the Columbia restaurant in Ybor once. That’s all I’ve got to add. I didn’t realize that area was a liberal hotbed.

      1. Ybor has changed in the 20 years I’ve lived down here. It was like a weekly Mardis Gras back then.

        Then someone tried to make it family friendly, at least during the day, and for some reason that killed off lots of the bars.

        During the day is totally different from weekend nights.

        The bars morphed into places where the gangsta types got together to drink and fight. Many of the restaurants moved or closed.

        Then the East end of 7th started turning into gay bars with hoodrats to the West.

        Not sure it’s liberal, but…

  2. Problem is the libtards f it up back home so they move some place else, get into politics(read-control) and f it up for the rest of us.. here in the north we call em ” flat landers”.they come from boston and hartford way and try to ruin it here..
    Theys startin to realize we in the hills aint as dumb as they think and we push back

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