To a multitude.

Blue Checkmark is a reporter for the Sun Sentinel, not your local GOP P.R. hack.


And the “crowds” outside were… well.

That is bad. It does not matter if people couldn’t get in because they did not get an invite, but at least you want the streets lined with enthusiasts waving signs and cheering for the cameras.

And this is Broward County. This is Debbie Wasserman Schulz country, supposedly the third most influential woman in Democratic circled behind Nancy and DiFi. This is the center of all Democratic Party elections shenanigans.

And a thought just cross my mind. What if Trump wins in Broward? Hillary won 2-1 in the past election and a win by Trump would be HUGE and a slap in the face.

President Trump was yesterday in Sanford, Fl. (Yes, that Sanford)  and is coming to Miami Thursday night. They are already announcing McArthur Parkway will be closed.

November 3rd is gonna be interesting.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “So Joe Biden is stomping in South Florida.”
  1. I don’t think Wasserman-Schulz has had any behind-the-scenes power since the House IT scandal. She called in too many favors and too many people can take her out with a word, I think.

  2. Even if Trump wins Broward, the staff will find a few thousand ballots that they forgot to count.

  3. Just voted here in Fort Bend, just West of Houston. I haven’t seen a Biden/Harris sign, shirt, hat, or flag, nor heard from a Biden supporter today. Waited in line for 3 hours with hundreds of other people to vote. It’s been that way all day. A small caravan of Trump supporters in cars with flags drove around honking horns. Lots of enthusiasm here, and plenty of Trump supporters.

  4. Some how the left got my cell number as my wife’s. She’s a teacher and they assume she is going to vote left. I have a great deal of fun talking to the Harris people when they call.

    “Why should I vote for Harris?”
    “What would Harris do better?”

    and so forth. The only answer I ever get back is “Trump is a horrible person!” “Yeah, so why is Harris better? Didn’t she throw thousands of black American’s in jail? Didn’t she get her start as a sexual tart for the Mayor of SF?”

    My goal is always to keep them on the line as long as possible. If they are talking to me, they are not talking to somebody that is undecided.

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