Doubtfully, but just for argument’s sake he does get kicked for abuse of power on the blackmailing the Ukrainians. Joe Biden so far appears to be the one who is gonna get the nomination and rumor has it he will select Stacey Abrams as VP.

Imagine if the House gets flipped to Republican and they introduce articles of impeachment against Joe for abuse of power confessed on video as how he strong armed the Ukrainians into firing their prosecutor.

Confession on video, case closed & he is out. VP is in… meet the new POTUS:

The idea of the walking moron as Democrat POTUS for 4 years is too delicious to ignore.

PS: And the next time a Democrat wins the presidency, I want the Republicans to have the ball to Impeach everybody in that Executive. Make Payback A Real Bitch.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “So let’ts say Trump gets kicked out…”
  1. I’d love to think the Republicans would someday exact revenge for this utter farce Trump is being put through, but I don’t think that will happen, because most elected Republicans are craven stooges like Mitt Romney.

  2. Only problem is Republicans don’t have the balls. 8 years of the Obama administration disobeying subpoenas, lying to congress, destroying hard physical evidence (how many hard-drives ‘crashed’?), foreign collusion to justify spying on political opponents, etc… and the best Republicans could muster was a very half assed impeachment of Holder that they didn’t even want to do.

    Since then they BRIEFLY acted like they had a pair over Kavanaugh, but even that was short lived…

    I know it’s a downer view point, but it’s the truth (As an aside it’s I believe the reason Trump won, he fights)

    1. Nikki Haley comes to mind. Or Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Or maybe Mike Pompeo.
      Bill Barr, if he proves himself qualified by firing everyone at the FBI who committed the 17+ acts of malfeasance listed in the IG report, along with their chain of command unless they can prove their innocence.

  3. If the Democrats were to succeed in overturning the will of the people the Republic is over. Then it gets sporty.

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