A frigging groundhog. We have one.

And not just any groundhog, but by the size of it, the sumbitch is taking steroids. I swear he probably bench-presses at least 100 pounds

I read a bit online and there are two schools of thought: 1) kill on sight and 2) They are much needed to air the ground and provide extra nitrogen to plants’ root system and a a place for bunny wabbits to live (We have seen them).

10/22 and a box of CCI quiets are standing by, but I will seek opinions first.

Your comments?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

30 thoughts on “So, them holes and burrows in the backyard?”
  1. First time you step in a hole and twist something, or worse yet, the Mrs. does, you’ll have no doubt about the action to take.

  2. Ground Hogs are targets of opportunity. Any varmint going after our livestock or crops is going to end up in the pot. I’ll figure out if it tastes good later.

  3. Groundhogs are great, in the neighbors yard. They’re dead meat in mine. Of course, if you’re on good terms with the neighbor, make’em dead at longer ranges is even more fun.

  4. Groundhogs are great… with the right marinade.

    I recommend a simple mix of white wine, olive oil, kosher salt, cracked black pepper corns, rosemary, thyme, and a bay leaf. Butcher the ‘hog, trim the fat, toss in the olive oil, coat liberally with the seasoning, and then leave to soak in a shallow pan of white wine overnight. The next day, toss into the slow cooker with carrots, ‘taters, and all your other favorite stew ingredients.

  5. Have never had to deal with a varmint that large in our yard. I did spend my high school summers hunting marmots (Rock Chucks) in far northern California. Never ate one.

    Only had to deal with gophers in our yard. As much as I would have enjoyed it, popping them even with CB caps in the neighborhood was likely not wise. My solution was to shove a lit road flare in their tunnel and seal them in. Asphyxiate the little bastards.

  6. 1) because 2) can be done by earthworms just fine (or you can rent an aerator) without risking broken ankles.
    And let’s not talk about how much fun those holes make mowing the lawn.

  7. The warhams among us will recognize this:


    (Been around too many people with horses and cattle, not to mention tripping on those damn holes when I was a lid.)

    1. I didn’t trip, but my horse did (ground squirrel hole). I was riding bare back. Woke up in hospital with my left arm broken. Horse was fine. Yeah, my first choice is varmint hunting.

  8. I concur with Boris and ScottTN. They’re varmints and a hazard to your ankles. Take ’em or and use them for compost. That’s the only way that they can be a benefit to your garden.
    Besides, walking around the yard with a motorized drum with 4″ spikes on it is so Mad Max!

  9. They’re really pretty harmless except for the holes in the ground. They do get quite large and, being herbivores, they will eat your garden if you give them a chance, so there’s that.

    The big problem is, if you let them stay, there will be more. They’re not overly prolific…they only bear young once a year…but it may not be too many years before you have a whole village of them hanging around. That can be a problem that you may want to nip in the bud.

    My stepfather owns a 40 acre farm in PA. He’s got groundhogs in his hayfield that he’s been trying to eradicate for years. Every time he thinks he’s getting them under control, he gets another resurgence. I’d say best not to let them get a solid foothold or you may be in battle with them for a long time.

  10. We had them on our farm when I was a kid. The holes they dug and the rocks they brought up caused a lot of damage to our hay mower and chopper, so Dad had me shoot every one I could get in range of. The ones whose burrows that were too far from cover were handled with a pickup, a length of flexible steel hose, and a shovel. Run the hose from the exhaust down the burrow, cover it and the escape hatch [usually within ten feet of the main hole], then run the truck for fifteen minutes, then cover the hole. they never came up afterward.

  11. My ankles agree with Miles,Something inside agrees with EN2 SS and extending a little neighborly long distance service.

  12. Moles have overtaken my yard. I’m tired of Mole Traps and poison bait worms as time inefficient attempts at total elimination.
    Plain household Ammonia is my new strategy to disrupt the invasion and make them move elsewhere.
    An ounce or so into the tunnels should make it uncomfortable to be down there.

  13. If he’s digging up caliche (white dirt) he’s actually ruining your soil by moving the most unproductive soil up to the surface. Your tree gets Nitrogen through the roots, with fungi and bacteria converting soil nitrogen to Nitrate nitrogen which is available to the tree. Kill the sucker, all his kinfolks, and extended family. Sit on the back porch and enjoy your bunnies. They are fertilizing your yard for you by eating grass and pooping the byproduct. They won’t dig any deeper and will appreciate the shelter.

  14. Used to have a dog that was instant death to groundhogs. Terminate the groundhog with extreme prejudice!

  15. Growing up on the farm groundhogs ate off acres of pasture, damaged foundations by tunneling underneath and even chewed a basketball sized hole through the side of a barn. I say death to all rodents.

  16. We have pocket gophers in our lawns. I live and let live almost all animals, but I hate those gophers (and mosquitos) and kill them without mercy. Groundhogs are as big a pest, I think. Kill them

    CCI quiets? I have a .22 rifle. Tell me more.

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