It seems that we are victims of layers of crappy editorial work. The quote is wrongly assigned.
During the last couple of weeks, there has been a wrangling over the North Carolina State Fair regarding the legal carrying of concealed weapons. Sean Sorrentino over An NC Blog has been keeping track and helping around so you can get a better idea of the legal juggling the Ag Commissioner is pulling.
What stuck me as funny is a quote from Becky Ceartes, executive director North Carolinians Against Gun Violence who with MomsRising, collected signatures from nearly 1,000 people supporting the ban on legally concealed people carrying guns at the fair (criminals as usual will ignore the ban).
Freudian slip:
An error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious (“dynamically repressed”) subdued wish, conflict, or train of thought guided by the ego and the rules of correct behavior.
Yep… they love victims.
Hat Tip to Triangle Tactical
That’s a LOT more honesty than what’s usually expected from the Demanding Moms or Bloomby.
They accidentally said a true thing.
-Rutskarn, Diecast 72
What’s this about a restraining order?
Please tell me someone decided to slap her with a restraining order for that comment!
Hey, that last sentence of hers would make a good motto!
That’s an editing error. If you watch the video, it was the gun shop owner who says it, not Ceartas.
That must be it. But that’s one heck of an editing error, no transition, or anything of the sort to indicate they just fat fingered a he into a she.
Freudian Slip: when you meant to say one thing and f*** your mother.
Miguel saw he quoted a mistake, and retracted the post.
This is interesting in it’s own light. How many times have anti-gun people retracted a fraudulent post?
Keep up the good work, Miguel!
I should have know it was too juicy…. but we have seen worse stupidity coming out of their side, so it was plausible.
Oops. In case the video disappears. Someone took the words spoken by Clay Ausley, owner of Fuquay Guns, and attributed them to Becky Ceartes, the executive director of advocacy group North Carolinians Against Gun Violence in the second to last paragraph of the story. Reporter Candace Sweat and Web Editor Angie Basiouny were credited for the story at WRAL.