You guys know I am not a gardening aficionado.  But one thing I learned from mom is to have some fresh herbs growing because the flavor is always superior to the dried/processed stuff.  Yesterday I finally decided to replant her mini herb garden, add new soil and get rid of the old plants to make way for the new ones. And, of course, saved me a bunch of basil leave which now reside in the fridge. Fresh basil is expensive as heck in supermarkets.

Long leaf thing bottom right is culantro (Mexican cilantro) and it is amazing for beans


I wasted a full hour with this and it was relaxing and I almost had fun. It helped relieve the annoyance of being quarantined. Then, via Wirecutter, I find out that one idiot governor is ordering Home Depot and Lowes not to sell items that are deemed by her non-essential:

And now the Democrat governor is calling on Home Depot and Lowes to shut down to close certain sections like flooring, garden centers and plant nurseries.

Crazed Michigan Governor Now Tells Home Depot to Shut Down Unnecessary Flooring, Tiles and Garden Centers

This is absurd. We all have been joking about finally getting down with the Honey Do lists and these retailers have set up online sales and curbside pick up to lower possibility of infections, but this idiot rather push her power than actually allow her citizens to have a constructive outlet for times like this.

Th citizens of Michigan should be taking notes for the next election.

PS: Yes, that is a detergent container. Mom realized that it worked better than all other gardening watering devices she used and had the right amount of water for those pots and the orchid too.  And she was right.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Some people are getting too big for their britches.”
  1. Vermont did the same thing, there were pictures of Home Depot stores with some aisles taped shut. They should have put up signs reading “This aisle shut by order of the governor, who thinks you should not be allowed to buy the things we sell here.”

  2. Florida is about to have another housing boom.
    Most of Michigan lives there already- I suspect the rest will want to leave as soon as they can.

  3. The only legitimate reason I can come up with is to reduce the area of the store that gets any in-depth cleaning/sanitizing. But that should be the store’s choice. If they’re allowed to operate, let them operate. And both Lowes and Home Depot do pick-up orders — sure it sucks to have someone else pick out the plants, but that’s better than nothing.

    And gardening goods? Fer crissake, let people occupy their time!

    1. Not only that, but unless you’re a liberal swamp dweller who doesn’t know anything outside the big city, you’d understand that “gardening” often means “growing foods” which is a way to reduce your dependence on supermarkets.

      I suppose she’s one of those morons who think that food grows in stores.

      1. TINS! TDW-Mark II was taking some class for her baccalaureate degree, and it has to be science, so she took something like “ecology”, or some such stuff.

        The almost relevant part of this lengthy tale, is the field trip the class took to Enormous Land Grant University, university farms. TDW-Mark II is a farm girl, grew up with mom and dad raising a substantial part of their food. So, she regaled me with the tale, after class, wherein Ms Thing wore her going-to-the-club clothing to the farm (great idea, eh?) and afterwards, when the class was invited to share what they had learned with the rest of of the class, Ms. Thing stood up, and pronounced, “Ewww! I could NEVER eat an egg from a chicken! I only eat eggs from (chain grocery)!”

        With this caliber of collegian, it is not out of reach to consider that Da Governor might, indeed, be that stupid.

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