By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Some people do deserve holes”
  1. Adrenalin dump, much? I can only hope that I have steadier hands (shooting)(reloading), than that officer.

    Although, tbh, my prayers are that I never confront the need to find out.

    Off to the range!

    1. The little bug in the corner of the video indicated that this happened in Buena Park, California. I don’t know what their policy is on ramming and PIT-ing cars, but I bet it’s pretty restrictive. (In fact, I was surprised that the pursuit was allowed to continue as long as it did. After all, they had his plate number and would soon have the bus driver’s statement; why not let him go, get a warrant, and arrest him at home? That’s the way most police bosses think these days.) So I wouldn’t second-guess the coppers in this thing. They’ll get enough of that from their bosses, the press, and the lawyers.

      1. Old1811. In most places, a deadly felony (like, well, shooting at a school bus) overrides the ‘no dangerous chase’ policy. This wasn’t just running a red light. It was sideswiping at least 1 car in a dangerous attempt to kill someone with a gun, and then a very dangerous armed chase. Totally different than just a simple traffic stop.

        1. Beans, “In most places” being the operative part of that statement. The cops I shot with while I was stationed in California bitched about the stupid restrictions quite often, some of which were blanket bans on things with no exceptions. And I left Cali five years ago, I can only imagine how much worse it is for them now.

          1. I was adding to my reply when the “edit” timer killed it, so here it is. These cops will be second-guessed out the wazoo because they ended up offing the guy after the bus and its passengers were no longer in jeopardy. If they’d just broken off the pursuit, gotten a warrant, and arrested the guy at home, he’d still be alive today. (Maybe.) You can bet that the lawsuits are being prepared as we speak. You need to quit thinking like a normal person and start thinking like the craven politicians that run police departments these days. No pursuit=no shooting=no problems. (Did I mention this was in California?)

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