The GunBlog VarietyCast is in need of a decent banner. This is what we have right now:
As you can see, we cannot draw a stick man to save our lives. The show is a bunch of gun bloggers that talk about their field of specialization or in my case, I make it along as I go.
If you have good taste and the tools to do so, your banner donation will be very welcome. We are in iTunes and I think pretty much in every podcast delivery system. Check us out!
I can turn out poor work for free! What were you thinking of?
We are bloggers so something alleging writing and we are gunnies so guns… and yes, I suck at this. Something that says “gravitas! Look, they are serious and professionals…”(Yeah, lying basically 😀 )
So, gunwriting gravitas. Same colors? Keep the stars?
Do whatever colors you feel like… Check the podcast see if it gives you better idea. I can only think Beige (computer) and yellowish (parchment) and steel blue
It has to be iTunes friendly, so 1,400 x 1,400 pixels.
“…are serious and professionals…”
Nobody’s got that much talent, Miguel. 😀
But, I’ll try.