Liz Rodriguez. accomplice and getaway driver of the three “jutes” that achieved room temperature breaking in to the wrong house in Wagoner County, OK. Not a long segment, do take a look. – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – |

Notice her attitude and body language. It is more “I am sorry I got caught” than anything else. She does not display emotion for her dead “friends” and much less for the man her friends attacked. In fact I can pretty much bet she does not like him because she feels he is the one responsible for the murder charge hanging around her neck.

I have no idea if her lawyer agreed this interview was a good idea, I doubt it. She comes across forced, not a drop of remorse but demanding to be pitied & understood. That is gonna be a tough sale with the jury, so I am betting on no trial,  a deal and a long prison term with the possibility of parole.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Somehow I have trouble believing her remorse.”
  1. So this criminal “master mind” wants everybody to know that she didn’t leave her dead and dying cohorts behind. THIS is the purpose for agreeing to the interview? What a crock! I hope she gets to spend the rest of her life on the inside looking out. I want her children to avoid the same trajectory, but based on what I’ve read from her associates’ families, and her own attitude, I am not hopeful.

    1. “So this criminal “master mind” wants everybody to know that she didn’t leave her dead and dying cohorts behind.”

      Yes, that was the whole point.
      After she was stupid enough to basically turn herself in (the only reason I can speculate is that she figured that there were security cameras around and she would eventually be arrested anyway) she figured the best outcome for her was going to be multiple life sentences with decades spent behind bars, if not life w/o parole.

      So, she was ‘virtue signaling’ to those who are going to be her prison mates. She figures that it might show that she wasn’t a ‘rat’ or that she abandoned her accomplices in crime. Those kinds of crims are held in low regard by the rest of the prisoners.

      1. People like her are always the stars of their own movies and their reality isn’t the same as your reality. Ever hear (or see a record of) a criminal saying, “She was asking for it man; I’m the real victim here!”? Same thing. She wasn’t signaling anything- I frankly doubt she is capable of thinking that far in advance- she was just telling ‘her story’, to her it IS ‘what really happened’, and she’ll be very upset that anyone else can see things differently.

  2. She should have bought the farm, too. I seriously doubt her accomplice told her to ‘go’ I bet it was more like him screaming for her to help him. Kick in a door, and get a lead salad! Justice!

  3. Note this fat sawed off troll has also already reproduced. I’m sure she was a model parent.

  4. As the victim of a burglary, and the sibling of the victim of an armed robbery (thankfully no one was hurt), it gives me huge amounts of joy when a burglar/robber is shot. That an AR-15 was the defensive firearm of choice in this situation made me feel especially warm and fuzzy.

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