When Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx were showing and talking about the projections and showing the graphics, they repeated several times that they were based in what happened in Italy. No mention whatsoever of China data.

I guess the distrust about the Chinese and the “information” they shared is too big to bet American lives in it.

Good for them.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Something interesting at yesterday’s White House press conference”
  1. 100,000 – 240,000 American deaths predicted in a best case scenario. I missed this presser, did they say the time frame for these deaths? Because this virus has killed just over 3,000 Americans so far, and discounting China’s lies, a world total of just over 42,000. Even if we double that for China, that’s 84,000 worldwide so far. So America is going to go rocketing past the world total? The chatter I’ve heard from the media seems to suggest the peak of this will begin in mid April and sweep through the country through May. We are going to lose 50,000 a month? 100,000 a month? Possibly more? With only 3,000 so after about a month since testing began?

    I’m not a denier, this is a real, dangerous virus, but this shit doesn’t add up at all. I’m hoping these are the administration’s worst case numbers and when we wind up with significantly less dead, they can say “see? we did better than we thought!” Hope I’m right.

    1. HP

      Agree totally. If the US is to even hit 100,000 deaths, we need to start killing people off.

      Not a doctor, so take that as the armchair quarterbacking it is, but from what I can tell:
      1. this virus was in the US for months before China even admitted it existed.
      2. The covid 19 test look for the active virus, not antibodies. There could be millions in the US that had the virus, but never showed symptoms, or were diagnosed with a flu.
      3. And, good evidence that some 80% of the people infected never show symptoms at all. Therefore, they do not get tested, and the fatality rate (deaths/infections) is artificially high.

      Besides, those estimates mimic exactly those from that Imperial College of London paper said. At first the WH was all 2-3 Million dead. Because that is what the paper said. Now they are 100-200K dead. Because that is what the paper said.

      Frankly, I think Dr. Fauci is a leftist/globalist who is trying to undermine the Trump Presidency. Where was he when 0 totally miffed the response to H1N1? Yep… Right there in the same position.

      Never let a crisis go to waste.

        1. No evidence of #1. Of course not.

          The were zero tests performed. How can there be evidence without anyone collecting it.

          How many months was this virus running rampant in China before they admitted it? Do you know there are direct flights from Wuhan to San Francisco and NYC? They continued for a month or so after we knew about the virus? Odds of the virus coming into the US on one of those flights approaches 100%.

          How many anecdotal stories have you heard about people getting a really nasty flu, complete with high fever and difficulty breathing in December and January? I have heard a whole lot of them.

          Even if we close our eyes and pretend that Jan 21st was the first instance of this virus in the US, the 2nd and 3rd point remain valid, and undercut the numbers.

          As to Fauci, what would you call a Presidential Advisor that stood by and did nothing while 0 did nothing during the H1N1 outbreak. You know the one that infected more than 30 million US residents and killed over 18,000 before 0 declared an emergency? He only shows up when a Republican is trying to contain a crisis. Add to that the fact the Fauci is only parroting a single study, funded by globalists.

          Evidence. No. But, the Ds got an impeachment on significantly less.

            1. “This editorial was published on February 28, 2020, at NEJM.org.”

              The lower number is older. The “academic article” was an editorial published a month earlier online, then republished in the print version. The March date is the paper publication date, for citations.

              There’s no sign of dishonesty, except from “Just The News”.

              1. I’m disappointed to see the author of that piece is Sharyl Atkinson. I thought she was smarter than that.

  2. It also depends on what medical system load is. Currently Italy is running at around 174 deaths per million. NY (city?) is running at 45.4 per million. NYC is near capacity for ICUs but the comfort just setup shop so that will help, lots. Plus I’m informed there is a hospital going up in central park.

    Maybe Hawkeye will be there?

    Once you get out of NY(City) the next 4 states have nearly the same population but only 450ish deaths vs 883 in NY.

    My guess is that it is the clustering that is causing the deaths. I.e. medical staff and facilities being overwhelmed.

    1. That’s the biggest danger — the number of cases exceeding our ability to care for them. So we should keep in mind there’s a death rate WITH TREATMENT and one WITHOUT. We need to keep the number of cases low to make sure there’s capacity for treatment.

      (And treatment for patients with other problems.)

  3. The doctors present pointed out repeatedly that this is a model, and models are only as good as the assumptions that go into them. Whether reality looks at all like this is anyone’s guess, and in particular they said they are doing everything they know to make the reality be better than the model.
    One interesting example I read about today is the possibility that a significant quantity of asymptomatic cases might mean a significantly higher level of “herd immunity” than assumed. That would be very helpful.
    Meanwhile, notorious scumbag Jim Acosta was asking a question amounting to “Mr. Trump, do you feel bad about the thousands of people you’ve killed by not doing things sooner?” I guess he must have carefully coordinated that with Pelosi.

    1. Acosta shouldn’t be allowed into the press room until he starts acting like a reporter.

  4. Maybe I’m too cynical, but did they not mention China for the right reason? Because their numbers are made-up crap?

    Or for the wrong reason? Because “RACISSST” and because we can’t let the ChiCom government look bad?

    There is no way in Hell that the U.S. has surpassed China’s numbers as every news outlet reports (repeating what the Chinese government reports). It’s far more likely their death toll exceeds their reported confirmed infections, because as botched as the media says Trump’s response was (it really wasn’t*), China’s was far worse.

    But those inconvenient truths (heh!) make the ChiComs look bad and Trump look not-so-bad, so they will never be admitted by American “journalists”.
    * – Trump’s coronavirus team was assembled and active in January, a month before anyone in the U.S. ever heard of a Wuhan coronavirus, but it wasn’t reported because every media talking head was pushing impeachment. The news cycle was delayed by months, and because it makes Trump look bad they have not and will not issue a correction.

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