Me and the missus made it back safely and I am trying to recover as it was hotter that anticipated and I kinda come apart at the seams when a little Florida heat is applied on my old butt.

First: Once again our gratitude goes to Borepatch and the Queen of The World for hosting the band of rogues that showed up. They are members of a great gun range and the people running it were the nicest and most helpful you can find, totally opposite of the stories of self-important assholes we hear sometimes.

Divemedic gave us an amazing class on how to address bleeding wounds (As in “Oh crap, he is gonna die if I don’t do something now.”). Short and sweet which included the use of tourniquet and chest seal plus dispelling some old misconceptions and old techniques no longer in use. This was great stuff.

I wish I could cover some of what was going on on the rifle side, but I was too involved with El Presidente. I was not expecting so many people interested in shooting it. We did see one strange apparition for a few seconds, it was a dangerous mythical being, rarely captured in image but the Missus managed to  obtain it for future scientific reference: Spanish Moss Man!

Spanish Moss Man reaching out and touching evil Florida Swamp creatures.

El Presidente:

KODAK Digital Still Camera


I had not run shooters in forever and I had fun doing so…till it got too hot.  I think the part that (sadistically me) gave me a bit of a smile was seeing people realize their plans for shooting pistol may not have been as ready and as effective as they thought…and that was why I wanted to do this drill. As simple as it is compared to the many Tactical Ninja Drills out there, it covers just about everything: Speed, Accuracy, Reloads and the very much important  Equipment … or like some found out, equipment malfunctioning or not being appropriate.

I ran it simple: Total time was the score. Any hole in the black was good, any hole outside the black got a 5 second penalty (Harsh? You bet. Misses must hurt). People that got “Mikes” (me included) were not happy and I could see them realizing they need to do better which is the best result I could hope for. And even though I made it clear that this was not a competition among shooters, I am glad to report that Mrs. Divemedic beat her unbetter half and she was proudly strutting it. I ain’t arguing that one . LOL.

And I want to give very special thanks to Roger G for donating a knife used in a raffle to collect funds for this blog. That was something very nice and I feel humbled for his generosity.

We all agree that this blog shoot will be repeated. Tentatively again in November and also again February next year.   And be sure that barring an act of God, we will be back.

I did manage to sight a couple of rifles, but we simply ran out of time. And as you can see, long gun fun was achieved by others too.

The best piece of equipment I bought recently was the spotting scope.

Thank you everybody for coming and having fun.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Southwest Florida Blogshoot: And fun was had.”
  1. Some thoughts on el pres- your distance is a little long it looks to me. We shoot it around 5 yards. Even at 5 yards its harder than it personal best time YEARS ago was 4.25seconds . I did it in 10 flat with my AR about 5 years ago. Women typically DO outshoot men. Its large fun to watch, esp with the fragile ego crowd. Soon we northerners will be able to play …

    1. The way I have shot it is the distance is 30 feet (10 meters) at three targets set 5 feet high at the shoulders spaced 3 feet (1 meter) apart.
      Not saying one way or the other is wrong or right, I just stuck to what I have done in the past.

  2. Glad that it went well and very happy to hear you are planning to make it a tradition.
    I’d planned to be there and made arrangements, unfortunately had a friend pass and they scheduled the memorial for that day.
    Looking forward to November.

  3. The Spanish Mossman was me LOL. I wanted to see how shooting in my Ghillie went… I know -you- know this BUT for the readers the ‘how/why’ I wanted to explain… found out that the ghillie ‘wrap’ on semi-autos jams the weapon… the jute gets caught up in the AR10 action/BCG… Also, putting on a ghillie while soaked in sweat is a stone bitch… stuck to -everything-… should have ben a two man job… better to know in training than to find out the ‘hard way’

  4. Thanks for running the drill, Miguel.

    It was a blast to do and I’m happy that did I did so well, considering it was the first time being ‘on the clock’.

  5. Beware the Spanish Moss Man, they can be found lurking around golf courses and trailer parks and occasionally stately manors.

    Actually that would be might fine camo for a tree blind come to think of it.

    They make a deck of cards with different shooting drills on them that is pretty fun with the right group and a good way to break up falling into a training rhythm.

    Shuffle em and pick a card any card. If you’re a sadist you pair it with a combat fitness deck. Shuffle the decks, pull a fitness exercise, curse when its burpees yet again, then pull a shooting drill card. Complete one to get your heart rate up then complete shooting drill.

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