When: Saturday, November 14 at 12:30 PM

Where: Manatee Gun and Archery Club, Myakka City, FL

I’ll be going and to make sure I don’t end up something really stupid, the missus will also come. Come over, bring boom sticks (Large and small, I guess) and plan to have fun.

Tropical Storm Eta will probably be soaking lands much farther north, but a range is a range so we may get muddy. Plan accordingly.

And if anything has taught me being range safety officer for so many years is that I will go ahead and remind you to bring eye and ear protection! Bring two of each in case you lose or break something. : Two is one….etc.

Bring your trauma/IFAK pouches or bags. Pray we don’t have to use them, but just in case.

C’mon people! There is fun to be had and pews-pews to be taken.

And I have rifles that need zeroing and I suck at it.

And check with Borepatch! He is the one we get to blame 

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Southwest Florida Blogshoot next Saturday!”
  1. If I didn’t live 3000 miles away I would be there right quick and in a hurry! Y’all have fun…

  2. Florida’s a bit of a commute….

    If anyone is contemplating one in southeastern PA, it’d be a much more practical commute. For anyone going to the event in FL, stay positive, test negative, and have a great time.

  3. Well, crap.
    This would be happening the week AFTER I go back on the road.
    Hopefully you’ll do it again sometime when I’m in town.
    IIRC that range is friendly to NFA stuff, yes?

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