A San Francisco man was arrested after reportedly stabbing two women Tuesday in what police are calling a random attack.

Witnesses say a man walked up behind the two Asian American seniors, ages 85 and 65, who were waiting for a bus in the area of 4th and Stockton streets around 4:51 p.m., and stabbed them.

The suspect slashed one woman across the back and elbow and stabbed the other in the arm through to the chest, Supervisor Matt Haney said.

Man Arrested After Stabbing 2 Asian Women in San Francisco: Police

OMG! What is going on? Them White Supremacists are all over the place. STOP THE HATE!

Officers were able to get a picture of the suspect from cameras in the area and arrested him on the 600 block of Eddy St. about two hours after the stabbing. The 54-year-old’s charges are pending.
Officers are not calling this a hate crime, but say they have not ruled it out.

They are not? How come? OK, that was rhetorical: You and I suspect why was not reported even when the news admits images of the attacker led police to his arrest.

I did look at several news sources, and none mentions any more details about the person they arrested for this attack. I mean zilch, zero and that can make you a bit suspicious about the transparency of the Media and their desire to push a narrative because there was at least one witness who gave a description.

The lady that you see in the video above was also interviewed by a local TV news, but not even a passing mention of description of the attacker.

I wonder why.

The Narrative must be defensed at all costs.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “#StopAsianHate? Nope, nothing to see here, move along!”
  1. Yeah, that whole hashtag dropped pretty quickly once videos of actual attacks started hitting the news and they were overwhelmingly of a certain demographic.

  2. It says much about the courage and fortitude of these race warriors that they only attack little old ladies and never fit young men.

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