By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Sunday Music Analysis: Screwing with Country Music till it dies”
  1. It takes years to master the craft, the art, of being a musician. That’s too hard. Just talk over a synthesized track, and BAM, you can be famous.

    I blame rap for this. Rap isn’t music. Rap is talking (with poor grammar) over music you stole (er, sampled) from someone else.

    The producers go along with it because it is more about what the artist looks like than whether or not they have talent.

    This guy here was pulled on stage to play with Kieth Urban. He knows how to play. You won’t see him as a famous artist. Why? He doesn’t look like a model.

  2. Miguel, you are a sick individual, thankfully. Your taste in music is truly warped, thanks again.
    In fact you seem to think much like I do, so I know you are warped and sick. OUTSTANDING!!!

      1. That actually wasn’t where I was going with my comment, but it will do. No I was just pointing out that country just plain sucks. I was born in a corn field too. Nope, Rock, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Alt. Rock, Blues, even some pop and classical, but no hick music for me…

  3. Mainstream country leaves me cold because it’s just another variation of top 40. Alt-country and outlaw country are actually more conservative stylistically and more focused on lyrics. Robert Earl Keen came from folk music and sings outrageous tales like Merry Christmas From the Family, Gringo Honeymoon, or Paint the Town Beige instead of bland stuff about pickups and bikinis. Country was more interesting in the early 90s when The Mavericks were big and the Highwaymen were performing

  4. Don’t know where this guy has been, but this has been going on for30 years. When Sawyer Brown got hot in the…80’s??? Their music was nothing but 4/4 rock with a country voice. Not sure, but I think it was Garth Brooks that pulled the country music chestnuts out of the fire that the records companies built in the 80’s. But I really wouldn’t know. I like me some old Johnny Cash (stories!!!), but country music just leaves me going yuck!

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