The woes of the medical personnel in the frontlines of the pandemic

She is an EM doctor, not an infectious disease one. Her area of work is people about to die, mostly because of heavy blood loss or other major trauma. And she is treating Wuhan V. patients?

And the story is suspicious as well. 100% contagion rate and all symptomatic? Not even Ebola is that efficient.  Hell, not even bioweapons are that good.

She either sucks at being an Emergency Medicine doctor so much that they send her over the sidelines or:

I personally vote for the second option.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Take a nap and shut the **** up.”
  1. 1) No children in 22 people at Thanksgiving?

    2) recent research shows asymptomatic don’t spread COVID. So a person with symptoms went to Thanksgiving? Sounds like that family made a mistake on that point, not on gathering.

    3) has she ever implored people to not commit drive-bys or take drugs? ERs no doubt see way more patients as a result of those activities than from Thanksgiving.

    1. I don’t think I have ever heard of someone being in contact with a Covid positive person and coming down with Covid symptoms the next day. No icubation period? very strange… We are supposed to trust medical professionals..

  2. I wonder what other essential liberties we should give up to make sure our exalted medical doctors get a full night’s sleep every night.

  3. Meh, I’m a full time mid-level in a highly-covid-suspicious walk in clinic.

    I am sleeping just fine, tenkewberrymuch.

    And I’m an elderly heart patient.

    Buck up, buttercup. Stop the pre bedtime caffeine.

  4. Betcha she’s on CNN by the weekend.
    Then the hospital releases a statement saying they cannot corroborate her story on Sunday.
    Only the Daily Caller reports the hospitals statement.
    Her story, now debunked, becomes another feather in the cap for “you hear these stories all the time” from the pro lockdown people.

    1. Meanwhile, the rest of us are pointing out how “you hear these stories all the time” is more like “you hear these same three anecdotal stories from these same five people, broadcast on every station, on permanent repeat.”

      Just like how “mass shootings are far too commonplace and deadly”, when the reality is the coverage of an extremely rare occurrence is so over-saturated and incomplete on facts that it only seems that way, because none of that excessive coverage will tell you how rare they really are.

      This year (on Dec 21, IIRC) will be a “Christmas Star” event. It’s actually Jupiter and Saturn aligning closely enough that they should resemble one large, very bright object, but many astronomers hypothesize that Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus aligning is the source of the Christmas Star that the magi followed to Bethlehem (Luke 2), heralding the birth of Christ.

      If the style of coverage for the Christmas Star event matched that of mass shootings — wall-to-wall, every station, for months, and lacking important information — you’d swear it’s a common thing; if you miss it, there’ll be another soon. But the ONE article I’ve seen about it is sure to mention the last one was nearly 800 years ago; they’re pretty rare. You’ll never see coverage on a mass shooting admit the last one was years prior, any more than it’ll admit just how many existing “gun laws” were broken leading up to it; those are critical data points for crafting policy, but they go against The Narrative [TM].

      So The Narrative [TM] is that nurses are over-worked and exhausted, because Trump’s handling of the virus response was flawed, callously let people die, and flooded ERs with sick people. Or something. But it’s all based on interviews with a few nurses (and their friends) working outside their specialty (which I’ll admit is mentally taxing) and pulling really, really crappy shifts. Or maybe even volunteering for the overtime, but we’ll leave that bit out because it doesn’t fit The Narrative [TM], either.

      1. “Just like how “mass shootings are far too commonplace and deadly”, when the reality is the coverage of an extremely rare occurrence is so over-saturated and incomplete on facts that it only seems that way, because none of that excessive coverage will tell you how rare they really are.”

        The fallacy of misleading vividness, which really should have a companion “the fallacy of suppressed evidence” — in which, say, inner-city gang violence is not considered a big deal because the press simply doesn’t report on it.

  5. Reminds me of the doctor who claimed that a patient’s liver was disintegrated by a single .223/5.56 shot from an AR-15. Not severely damaged, not so bad it requires a transplant. Disintegrated. Not there. Nothing but a gelatinous mass left.

    Yeah. I think he was more believable than this woman.

  6. While I totally respect heath care workers, I am a little tiered of the complaints from people who are doing their job. This is literally their job and they get paid handsomely for it. No one is forcing them. Shut up and suck it up or find another job.

    1. To be honest, CNAs do almost all of the hands on work, commonly develop bad backs, and are NOT paid handsomely.

      But, when docs, nurses and midlevels whine, I generally agree with Philip Bragg.

      Sweetie, if you are not doing 16 hours at a pop, 5 or more days a week, just turn off your light and enjoy your sleep.

  7. Honestly?

    I don’t believe a word they say any more.

    I went nearly all year without knowing one soul that got the covid.

    Now I know a few. Many are old as hell, with hypertension, diabetes, whatnot.

    They got sick, went to the doc, got better. End of story.

    Can it be bad? Yes.

    Is it always bad? no.

    I posted on my brother in laws facebook that it’s the lying and the bullshit that got us where we are now. Had they been straight with us, this would be a nothing burger. We’ve had worse.

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