By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “Talcum X goes full retard on Garret Foster.”
  1. How does an unarmed, non-violent person find themselves holding a RIFLE at a protest and pointing it at a car?

  2. Didn’t this unarmed individual get interviewed on TV holding their rifle?

    Or, is a rifle not a weapon any more?

  3. Lies and more lies. The person in the car fired 5, someone in the crowd fired 3 at the car.

  4. As Tim Poole pointed out, there’s a plea for donations at the bottom of his pack of lies. He was rattling the can, seeking some more cash — the more enraging the story, the more likely he’ll get donations.

    Besides, this is the guy who called for destruction of religious icons.

  5. It should be legal to challenge lying scumbags like this and demand they prove their statements.

        1. Sigh. That should’ve said ‘Toastrider’ except the autofill didn’t autofill. Pfft.

  6. I do believe I am more insulted by the credit he gives my intelligence than I am by the blatant lies.

  7. Talcom X goes full retard.

    That’s all you have to say.

    Compared to him, Seth Rogan almost makes sense. And that’s scary.

      1. The issue I am having is that I’m being exposed to the feedback from his friends. He was a good guy. His lady is a good person. While he made some statements in front of the camera that can be interpreted as hostile, he really does seem to have been trying to do some good.

        I totally disagree with his politics, but he was trying to do the right thing.

        The problem was that he didn’t control his weapon. He freaking muzzled the driver of the car. And when that happened, the driver responded.

        This is what the cops are saying. His friends are saying “Play stupid games, you win the Jackpot of stupid prizes”. His family is saying that they are saddened by the lose of their son but he was in a mob and he was perceived s a threat. The response was expected..

        1. I pointed out somewhere else that this illustrates a specific danger of open carry: unless you have perfect muzzle discipline, you may be mistaken for a threat, legitimately so. With concealed carry that issue goes away completely.

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