Patton Oswalt used to be a genuinely funny guy.  I thought his old standup was hilarious.

Unfortunately, like much of Hollywood, he has been affected by a severe case of TDS.

That lead him to Tweet this, thinking it was witty.



There are so many things wrong with this that it’s hard to know where to begin.

Anne Frank didn’t hide in an attic because some politicians decided she needed to social distance to halt the spread of the flu.

She hid in an attic for two years because the Nazis were engaged in the genocide of the Jews.  When she was discovered, she was sent to a concentration camp where she died of Tyhups.

During the Holocaust, 85% of Jews who were sent to concentration camps were exterminated.  By 1943, the German mass murder machine was gassing 6,000 people per day.  Putting that in comparison, the total number of US Coronavirus deaths are not even a full week of work at Auschwitz.

Comparing Jews hiding from mass extermination to the overreaction of some politicians to a virus is obscene.

Such a downplaying of the Holocaust would get him excoriated if he were not such a Leftist.

And if he statement was even close to reality, his Tweet suggests that Nazieque tyranny is fine if you have Netflix and Grub Hub, which smacks so hard of Aldous Huxley’s Soma that it makes my head spin.

The irony here is that Oswalt in one of those who spent the last three years saying “Trump is Orange Hitler,” but now wants you to accept your governors having the power to make you hide in an attic.

Lastly, the assumption that the people protesting are doing it because of the inconvenience and not that they are going bankrupt and want to go back to work and make a paycheck is a completely out of touch take on the situation.

What I can guarantee is that the people who are screaming to reopen the Fuddruckers are the franchise owners – who are small business owners – and their employees who are losing money and their life savings in the shutdown.

Oswalt is an actor worth $14 million, and he makes his money mostly doing funny voices for cartoon characters.  His eating delivery while watching Netflix isn’t destroying his career.

This “let them eat home-delivery cake” coming from wealthy celebrities is really starting to grate.

I think my performance guillotines are going to hot sellers when this shit is over.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “TDS turns another comedian in to a real piece of sh*t”
  1. Perhaps Trump should use his emergency powers to suspend copyright protections for any movies, music, tv shows, etc… and redirect the residuals to support small businesses across America.
    It’s a small sacrifice for Hollywood and celebrities to make since we’re all in this together.

    1. Nationalize the streaming services, make them free to the public with downloading for the duration of the lockdown.

  2. Let’s all start wearing orange wristbands, showing “our support for WuFlu”, embossed with “WWOHD”, referring, of course, to The Ethical Question, of the day: “What Would Orange HITLER Do?”

  3. Typical leftist.

    Deliberately choosing a strongly controversial image/figure as a way to shock. That is all. It is the same as when AOC referred to the detention facilities on the border as concentration camps. And, let’s not forget the drinking from the toilets line.

    For whatever reason, the left seems to think that saying or doing something with the sole intent to shock is equivalent to actually having a valid debate argument.

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